Heat should be there!
Let me explain:
The coverstock is like a sponge and the oil is absorbed into it.
So if there is no force to draw it out it will only "diffuse" (meaning a self induced/triggered movement that is rather based on differences in concentration and that will also go into any direction) but that effect is little to nothing and takes time!
If heat is applied the movement of the oil molecules will increase... a lot!
So the chance of the oil moving to the outside of the ball and getting into contact with a "kitty" particle is higher.
Also if the concentration of oil on the outside is smaller oil from the inside of the ball can "flow" there and might be drawn out...
I also tend towards the water methods the ball is covert totally with water ... the "kitty" has only small contact areas.
And people that state their ball worked great after leaving it in the closet and not using it for some time have experienced this:
The oil from the outer shell diffused deeper into the ball making the surface less oily and giving more friction... but the deeper the oil is soaked into the ball the harder it is to get it out.
Lane#1 XXXL
and Carbide+
Saw 'Em Down!Have fun and bowl well!(\ /)
( . .)
bunny honey.... just be funny..
Check out my Vids in my profile.. just short clips about how I bowled and how I play today
and by the way... I am a "Fritz" a "Jerry"... I am from Germany! (And please don't call me Kraut! Cause then I call you Dumbarse)