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Author Topic: Cranker-itis (rant inside)  (Read 2798 times)


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Cranker-itis (rant inside)
« on: November 11, 2008, 10:48:20 AM »
What's up with the people on the forums here bashing on anyone who doesn't turn the hell outta the ball on TV?

Apparently, according to multiple sources, TV this week is going to be boring because there aren't enough "crankers" on TV.

(mind you, this was said before any of the spots for the TV show this week were by looking at the top 8, they decided...)

1. Parker Bohn is boring to watch
2. Bill O'Neill and Mike Wolf are not crankers
3. Pete Weber is boring to watch and not a cranker

What the heck do you guys want, TJ on the show every week so it's not "boring?"

There's a reason TJ isn't on the telecast weekly. Cranking the ball doesn't always work. You have to be versatile (I know TJ is versatile, I'm just using him as an example, because he's the favorite cranker of most of these geniuses who complain about the telecast being boring.).

If you think it's boring, go out and make TV, that way you don't have to watch it, you're on it! Or even better: DON'T WATCH. That'll teach the PBA! Their ratings will suck when TJ doesn't make the show, and then they'll build the shot just for him, YAY!

This backseat bowling (house-hacks instructing about what a good bowler is) is stupid as hell, and I'm hoping I'm not the only one sick of it.
Bakersfield, California

Robb''s Pro Shops

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The SuperHitMan

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Re: Cranker-itis (rant inside)
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2008, 07:00:58 PM »
If you have hate in your soul let it out. j/k
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If THS is so easy why dont you have a 220+ average


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Re: Cranker-itis (rant inside)
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2008, 07:03:55 PM »
Most "crankers" don't even hit the ball anymore. I'd call them more power strokers than anything.


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Re: Cranker-itis (rant inside)
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2008, 07:04:57 PM »

This has been and is an ongoing thing every week during the PBA Season.  It is not about good bowling.  It is always about who looks good.  I mean who would rather see Eric Forkel, Scott Devers, Rick Lawrence, and Mike Scroggins?  

Why wouldn't we want Tommy Jones, Robert Smith, Jason Sterner, and Ken Simard?

Good points though.  I believe to keep the telecasts interesting each week, we need different.  If the same guys are on every week, then that will get boring.
Steven Vance
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Re: Cranker-itis (rant inside)
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2008, 07:13:45 PM »
I want to see the bowlers who bowled their way on the show and not those who "look good on tv" i could care less why anyone else watches it.


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Re: Cranker-itis (rant inside)
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2008, 04:15:12 AM »
Most "crankers" don't even hit the ball anymore. I'd call them more power strokers than anything.

I say that anyone that have around 500revs is a cranker.
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Re: Cranker-itis (rant inside)
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2008, 09:25:42 AM »
I understand the frustration.

May I ask will the "winner" get an actual title out of this?  Or is this just for kicks?
Does it really matter?


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Re: Cranker-itis (rant inside)
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2008, 04:09:33 PM »
If they get 500 revs with no finger action, they aren't "cranking". Power player yes, cranker no.


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Re: Cranker-itis (rant inside)
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2008, 06:16:22 PM »
Also, please tell me the difference between a "power player" and a cranker. Perhaps we need to get rid of the term "cranker" period since everyone argues on it.

Let me add to the beginning of the post. I'm also tired of people complaining who is not on the telecast and who is. If Tommy Jones wants to make a show then maybe Tommy needs to start bowling better in match play? Just a thought. Sure I was disappointed when he didn't make the show and Scroggins beat him. So Mike Scroggins isn't allowed to make the show because he doesn't crank the ball? I think he shot 220 on television.

And the the idiot on sick of Walter playing straight, take a hike. He can bowl how he wants and doesn't need any help. If you don't like watching him then don't watch the show. In fact, go watch American Idol or Dancing with the Stars. These are real tournaments, not a fan poll contest. The greats players make the shows, sometimes many shows and if they are fortunate and good enough in the matches they win titles. Those that don't make shows are not great player.


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Re: Cranker-itis (rant inside)
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2008, 07:35:32 PM »
To me, if they have revs with a clean release, they're a power player. If the release isn't clean, they'd be a cranker.


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Re: Cranker-itis (rant inside)
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2008, 07:44:39 PM »
Also, please tell me the difference between a "power player" and a cranker. Perhaps we need to get rid of the term "cranker" period since everyone argues on it.

Let me add to the beginning of the post. I'm also tired of people complaining who is not on the telecast and who is. If Tommy Jones wants to make a show then maybe Tommy needs to start bowling better in match play? Just a thought. Sure I was disappointed when he didn't make the show and Scroggins beat him. So Mike Scroggins isn't allowed to make the show because he doesn't crank the ball? I think he shot 220 on television.

And the the idiot on sick of Walter playing straight, take a hike. He can bowl how he wants and doesn't need any help. If you don't like watching him then don't watch the show. In fact, go watch American Idol or Dancing with the Stars. These are real tournaments, not a fan poll contest. The greats players make the shows, sometimes many shows and if they are fortunate and good enough in the matches they win titles. Those that don't make shows are not great player.

99 times out of 100 (read the first 5 words of this sentence over and over until you understand I'm not talking about everyone in the whole wide world), the people arguing that theres a difference between "crankers" and "power players" are idiots, just differentiating to cause confrontation. That's all they're doing: causing conflict.

It's the same. He obviously knew what I was talking about, or he wouldn't have bothered to reply.

A cranker is a "power player." The difference between the two is the same as the difference between a Black man and an African American. Same thing, but some people want to cause a problem and tell you you're wrong for not being Politically correct just because they like to feel like they're better than you.
Bakersfield, California

Robb's Pro Shops

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Re: Cranker-itis (rant inside)
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2008, 07:46:20 PM »
I'll bet Tommy Jones would trade games with Walter Ray or Norm if he could.  --  JohnP


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Re: Cranker-itis (rant inside)
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2008, 09:16:36 PM »
Ok, crankers are power players, but not all power players are crankers. Happy?

Look at Steve Hoskins in 93, cranker, and then again in 02, much much smoother but still powerful. The guys today can create a lot more revs with very little effort(Fagan anyone?) With such smoothened out effortless games with high revs it's just hard to call them crankers when they aren't really cranking anything anymore.


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Re: Cranker-itis (rant inside)
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2008, 09:20:58 PM »
And for the record Parker Bohn is fun to watch, lol.


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Re: Cranker-itis (rant inside)
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2008, 09:21:59 PM »
Ok, crankers are power players, but not all power players are crankers. Happy?

Look at Steve Hoskins in 93, cranker, and then again in 02, much much smoother but still powerful. The guys today can create a lot more revs with very little effort(Fagan anyone?) With such smoothened out effortless games with high revs it's just hard to call them crankers when they aren't really cranking anything anymore.

A cranker is classified by most people as someone with a lot of revs. I don't know where this 'power player' term came from. They are one and the same. Fagan cranks the ball (not always). Tommy Jones cranks the ball (not always). Just because they don't literally jerk the revs onto the ball doesn't mean they're not crankers. How many people have you seen stick a steel, curved rod into a ball, and wind it up? None. There's your literal definition of 'crank'. Nobody is a cranker.

My point: it doesn't freakin' matter! I'm not disagreeing with you. When I said cranker, did you know I was talking about someone with a considerably high rev rate? Yes, or you wouldn't have made the "power player" connection. Who cares what you call it as long as everyone gets it?
Bakersfield, California

Robb's Pro Shops

Rev Rate: 400-450
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Current Average: 236