General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Lane1Redneck on November 23, 2004, 10:34:03 AM
Hello everyone.... Trying to figure out what kind of style I would be....
I know I'm not a cranker.. I don't try and muscle the ball... as for the stroker.. I'm thinking that would best fit my style but I'm not sure what a tweener is... Please if anyone could better explain this for me.. I would appreciate it..
I only have a 4 step approach.. ball is relatively waist high.. backswing is about the same level.. on downswing I just let the ball come off my hand fingers 12-6/to 3-9 as I lift towards the ceiling.. ball speed averages around 15 to mid 16's mph...
what category would this put me under... if any...LOL
Bowling is the real X games
What are your revs?
Keep in mind, strokers are people like WRW. Crankers=robert smith. So if you resemble neither, your likely a tweener.
- Andy
Edited on 11/23/2004 7:34 PM
ahh.. knew I left something out.. well I'm not sure.. I would say medium revs.
Bowling is the real X games
Well it's really tough to say.
Here's what you should do: Find bob7's video post, and watch some of the strokers and tweeners. You can decided much better than us that way.
Otherwise, i can't actually say without seeing a video of you.
- Andy
I was checking that out.. kinda what prompted the post.. I would think by watching that I would be more a stroker from watching the releases... It didn't show much for the stroker other then the release of the ball.. Kinda the same as what I do from what I could see... thank ak57
Bowling is the real X games
ohhhhhh!!!!!! those videos.. ok.. not the same ones I was looking at.. thanks again..
Bowling is the real X games
Hehe, yeah. There's TONS of different people to look at and see who resembles you most.
- Andy