Your question can be interpreted that you want more hook - many beginners mistake a big hook with a "good release". Revs are not the solution - they can be helpful, but a sound revs/speed ratio is more important. A 1:1 ratio of hand revs and speed in mph is a good basis, and if you play slow and that's your natural game, more revs might cause new trouble with early hook or overreactions.
IMHO, the first thing to check is our overall timing between pendulum and feet. It is correct that the release point should be in the lowest swing point, and just a tad before the ball passes your sliding fot's ankle. But the overall timing has to match up. You could, e. g., suffer from fast feet, so that you are already at the foul line but the ball is still on its way. You can release the ball this way and it might feel natural, but you have a hard time creating true leverage at the release point or to stay behind the ball for proper finger action (which result in revs and a more powerful ball reaction).
Another potential flaw could be that you top the ball while trying to impart revs. This results in a rather spinning motion, which looks like revs but on a rather horizontal axis. This can also come through timing issues.
My suggestion would be to consult a coach, because such things are best sorted out in a live situation.
As a short-term option, Id' try to slow the feet down, esp. at the beginning of your delivery, and let the (unmuscled)pendulum guide your stance. If timing is the real issue, this might help, but a coach is recommended anyway.
Good luck!