I managed to get a hold of a bottle of Brunswick Crown Factory Compound formerly Rough Buff and tried it out on my Vintage DZ. It took most of the small nicks and such on the cover stock but left the ball noticeably dull. Did I use too much pressure on the spinner or is this how it's supposed to look? I kinda expected the ball to look similar to the oob finish which looks a little shiny compared to my ball now. Any insight is greatly appreciated!!
The finish you get depends on both the starting grit on which you applied the compound AND the human factors involved (hand pressure, amount of compounds, time on the spinner and applicator, and to a smaller degree, the speed of the spinner).
When applied over a 500 grit base sanding, a quarter sized dollop of compound and a decent applicator (some time of fabric or foam pad), a 45 second rubbing per side should result in around a 3000 - 4000 grit dull finish.
When applied over a 1500 grit base sanding, an average application of RB/RC should come close to a light to medium polished "appearance".
If your DZ was at its stock surface (polished), then you either used too much compound (which may have been necessary if you wanted to remove a lot of scratches) or you used too little. If you removed a lot of scratches, then you probably used a good amount of compound (it is strongly abrasive, but it would probably have been safer and more efficient to have used abrasive pads of sandpaper to remove scratches).
So I would assume that right now you have a nice 3000/4000 grit type of surface. I would apply a light application of true polish to get back your "polished appearance".
RB or Royal Compound is not true stand alone polish; that is why I term it a compound. It is a very strong abrasive, which CAN result in a polished finish, if you start with a high enough base grit level.
Remember polish is really just a micro-fine abrasive suspended in a liquid. RB/RC is or has a much larger, rougher abrasive which breaks down into smaller pieces with use and hand pressure, as near as I can tell from using it. It is mean to be very aggressive.
Hope this helps.