The Crown Jewel Pattern is very flat also, the late Dan Ottman the former director of the PBA Central Region and creator of the Michigan Junior Masters Association which has been the proving ground of some of the top PBA and PBA Womens series players used the various versions of the Crown Jewel Pattern for many years in the Michigan Junior Masters Championship Tournament at the end of the year. Dan was also instrumental in helping create this shotmakers pattern. I can tell you from experience it's just as flat as the US Open and requires controlling the breakpoint just as you do with the US Open pattern. And it was quite similar to the US Open pattern where straighter near the track in the beginning and jumping inside fairly quickly was key, the times I bowled on the pattern it was on the Old Brunswick Original Anvilane Synthetics, I'm sure it plays a bit tighter on the New generation Brunswick ProAnvilanes and ProLane Synthetics.
Matt (the former chink of collegebowling)