
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: ChrispyBrownies on December 26, 2008, 06:27:22 PM

Title: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: ChrispyBrownies on December 26, 2008, 06:27:22 PM
I was just curious if I was the only one out there...
I shot 300 with my fury pearl, but for some reason, I just didnt take a liking to it. I dunno why.

Anybody else have the same experience?

Trinity High School "A" Bowling Team
Louisville, KY
State champs- 2002, 2003, and 2008

Ten Pin Lanes Pro Shop
Louisville, KY

Morehead State University Bowling
Proudly Sponsored by Storm Bowling Products
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Spider Ball Bowler on December 27, 2008, 02:38:14 AM
Black Widow Pearl.  Shot my 1st and 3rd highest series with it, but I didn't like it.  I sold it on here for pretty cheap.

I'm not exactly sure what it was about it, but I just didn't like it and had no problem letting it go.

My Black Widow on the other hand has like 500 games on it, is torn up with chips, dents and cracks, and I can't get rid of it.

Ahhh Disco Biscuits!
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: tuckingfenpin on December 27, 2008, 04:45:20 AM
Storm Hot Rod, 300/760+ with it and won city state doubles..could never get it to do the same thing, it would always be a board or 2 difference in reaction.

Thank god for luck or I'd have shot 620. Don't know how many light hits it carried..mix em up, i guess -_-
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Tess7654 on December 27, 2008, 06:30:58 AM
Shot 841 (242 299 300) with a truma and didnt like it.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: dechrist on December 27, 2008, 07:22:16 AM
Shot a 289 and a 300 with my Big Block Diesel, but was never quite happy with it.  It eventually developed a fatal case of crackitis
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: jbuzz31 on December 27, 2008, 08:16:54 AM
i shot my biggest series and highest game with my liberator first set with it right outta the box.   havnt been able to duplicate that success since..........
Ive Eaten From The Insane Root That Imprisons Reason
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: polaris1050 on December 27, 2008, 08:25:46 AM
The Boss solid has been my least favorite ball that works well for me.....actually I hate it.  I tried to sell it 2 weeks after I bought it, and noone wanted it.  I shot 300 in '97 with it and tossed it in the closet.  Pulled it out in '01 and shot 792, and a few weeks later, shot another 300.  I still carry it, but it don't come out too often.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: bolngod on December 27, 2008, 08:44:04 AM
300/800 with pearlized pulse
300 with ebonite cougar otherwise nothing with either
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: skbowl800 on December 27, 2008, 10:07:24 AM
First 3 games with my ebonite matrix shot 812!  Never shot over 650 again.  Couldn't match up with it after that so I gave it away.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: johns811 on December 27, 2008, 10:09:47 AM
I shot 300 with a black particle power groove that has something messed up inside the ball. It flares the wrong way and tracks like 2" higher then any ball across the finger and thumb holes.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: WSUstroker on December 27, 2008, 10:25:16 AM
I shot my high series with a Track Rule Delta 1.  For a ball that was supposed to be real strong, I had to square up and slow roll the track area to get that ball to do anything.
Dan Chambers
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: SleepOnIce on December 27, 2008, 10:44:23 AM
I shot my highest game, and my 2nd and 5th highest sets with my Black Widow Bite. I redrilled it twice, constantly tweaked the surface, and just never had any confidence in what it was going to do down lane.

Gave it to my father.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: David Lee Yskes on December 27, 2008, 11:20:48 AM
i'd say mine was with the Fire Power,  first nite i had the ball, i shot a low 600, and had the ball drilled to really get down the lane since the house i was bowling at was having a oil embargo lol.   After that, i just couldnt get the same reaction except for one nite during a singles exhibition league when i caught fire...
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: JBracer2 on December 27, 2008, 11:27:15 AM
Intense Inferno 300/844 first night I used it. Never liked it after.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Rev_O on December 27, 2008, 11:40:26 AM
Oringinal Danger Zone was a ball I loved to hate. Shot 299 he 1st night with it, gave it away 3 months later.

Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: keglerx on December 27, 2008, 11:50:21 AM
Brunswick Impulse Zone
Brunswick Absolute Inferno
Storm Hot Rod Prostock Pearl

all good for one good game, slam bam thank you mam
..... always followed by a poor game

even referred to the Absolute as the Nixon Ball because
sooner or later I would always leave the big four!
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Dan Belcher on December 27, 2008, 11:52:23 AM
Ebonite The One.  I had a 786 or so series with it once and a handful of 279s, but I also fought a bad case of over/under with it most of the time and could not carry the corners with it unless the lanes were just right for it.  Very condition-specific ball for me.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: abrown on December 27, 2008, 11:56:18 AM
awsome finish had several big 700's just a crap shot if it would work that day for me
roto grip battle shot a 300 with it but other than that hated that ball
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Razr on December 27, 2008, 12:06:28 PM
I bought a guy's 800 BWP for $30..said he had one good night and that was it..

I shot a 757 first time using a dimension, only time I ever used it, set it down after that then, sold it right after...

Same with the black widow bite, worked good, tried a surface change, still didnt roll right, but carried the strike...walked across the alley and gave it away.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Jay on December 27, 2008, 01:21:02 PM
Angular One - Shot 300 on the Cheetah in a practice session with my county's All-Star team in 2007.  That was my first one, but I didn't particularly like this ball otherwise.

Cross Fire - Shot a 290 in practice.  That was about the only good thing that came from that ball.

Counter Strike(in current Arsenal) - Shot 278 with back 11 last month in my PBAX league on the Viper.  This ball has its moments but there's a lot of times I just don't get it.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: strikecing on December 27, 2008, 01:33:21 PM
Classic Zone!! Never realy liked the reaction but for some reason when all else didnt worked it did.  Always had problems fitting it in the bag but never could so I rented a locker at the center to keep it in.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Martin710 on December 27, 2008, 01:39:14 PM
Storm Shift. I shot my highest game 298 and  highest 4-game series  1001 with that ball but that was it. I could not really score well with that ball after that accomplishment so it is now retired.

Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Atochabsh on December 27, 2008, 01:50:52 PM
Step son at age 15 shot 836 (279, 268, 289) in practice with a white pin blue omega, drilled E Up.  Hated the ball, and immediately turned it back into the pro shop (his dad).  Reasoning, was that he had to throw the all "like a wuss" in order for it to work and he hated doing that.  Therefore wasn't going to use it.  

Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: JD74 on December 27, 2008, 02:43:43 PM
BWP for me, shot 300 and 789 with it and I totally hated it.
480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: DukeHarding on December 27, 2008, 02:54:52 PM
Lane #1 Silver Diamond, shot 2 high 800s in practice on dry lanes.
Never worked if there was ANY oil on the lanes.
Duke Harding
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Let It Bleed on December 27, 2008, 03:10:25 PM
Absolute Inferno...shot a 300 on a PBA Pattern sweeper with it along with a handful of 750+ series...I could score with it, but absolutely (pun intended) hated how it rolled...sat around the house for like 2 years before getting rid of it
"Chicks dig the trip 4" -Randy Pederson
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: novawagonmaster on December 27, 2008, 04:11:28 PM
Total NV.
Shot 783(personal best) at State tourney. The ball was only a few weeks old. After that I could not hit the broad side of a barn with it. I cannot bring myself to get rid of it though. It's a sort of trophy to remind me of my best day.
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swervé~

Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Mike Austin on December 27, 2008, 04:20:14 PM
Gold Pearl Quake, shot 300 with it the first night I had it almost 800 series.  After loving the Purple Quake (both of them), I thought this ball was going to be great too.  Don't think I ever got another three bagger with it.

Fear Factor, shot 300/8?? right after drilling it.  I was on staff with Storm, ball was not even out yet.  Nobody else shot 700 in league that night.  We thought this ball was the second coming of the Original Inferno...  I sold a BUNCH of these balls, even drilled myself a second one.  What a hunk of .....  Dull, shiny, label, pin up, pin down, whatever, crap.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: supernoodle on December 27, 2008, 04:44:37 PM
Omega LM. Shot a 790 and did well in a couple of competitions with it but it was so condition specific it made my white dot look versatile.

Also my Shock Trauma. Bowled a 300 with it very soon after buying it but it died v.v.quickly and no treatment brought it back to how it was and it is now a door stop and not a very good one at that.
I would have got away with it if it was not for those pesky kids (Behind my lane) and those blasted 10 pins.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: ryno4000 on December 27, 2008, 04:57:43 PM
I shot 801 the second series with my Storm Domination.

Only used it one time after that. Just never matched up with it any other time.
So I have a ball with 9 games on it that I shot 800 with and I hate it lol.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: titletowncards on December 27, 2008, 05:25:32 PM
Back in the day, I had a Columbia Rage.  
Other than a few lower 700's, I couldn't do anything with this ball.
Then one night, I had a 773 while opening the 1st frame of every game!
I even got a plaque for 11 in a row my last game (279).
It never did anything after that and was sold soon after.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Smash49 on December 27, 2008, 09:28:06 PM
Yep the Track Threat.....


Slick, tacky, wood or synthetic it does not matter your slide is correct with SLSM Designs Bowlers Slide Sock. The Finest Slide Sock on the Planet!!!
Striking Cat Bowling Pro Shop inside Chisholm Trail Bowling Lanes of Duncan Oklahoma!
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: thetruepack on December 27, 2008, 10:27:48 PM
My brother shot 3 300's with his Dead Flush and hated the thing lol
Move left throw right....


Columbia 300 Resurgence
Storm Agent (pin down)
Storm Agent (pin up)
Storm Dimension
Storm Fired Up
Storm Dark Thunder Solid
Storm Dark Thunder Pearl
Storm Rapid Fire
Storm Gravity Shift
Ebonite Raid
Ebonite Big Time
Ebonite V2 Sanded
Target Zone

Storm Dark Thunder Solid
Storm Triple X-factor
Ebonite Big One
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: holland1945 on December 27, 2008, 10:35:33 PM
Absolute Inferno. Got my first 700 with it (730 I believe) but that ball was so touchy for me at my house that I was more often on the wrong end of 180 than I was threatening 700. Smokin' Inferno was a MUCH better match for me and my house, and consequently I got my first 300 (785), two 279's, and many other great sets with that ball. I know most people feel the opposite, but that's my story
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Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: BiGtYmEr300 on December 27, 2008, 10:47:59 PM
Ebonite No Limit.

Shot 300 first game out of the box with it. The reaction started to go south seemingly right after that game. Ended up giving the ball away after about 35 games.
What the Deuce?!!
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Xfest on December 28, 2008, 12:06:00 AM
300 with Secret Agent.. Terrible ball, just that day I guess it was the right condition.
Stand left, throw right, and strap it like a trojan!!
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: drillbit on December 28, 2008, 12:49:54 AM
Sapphire Zone Pearl- I shot 300 in a tournament and was +320 for the 8 qualifying games that day. I never found that reaction(or carry) again, despite months of trying.

Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: stormslinger on December 28, 2008, 02:15:34 AM
Total NV - 786 while winning both handicap and scratch doubles in city tourny and shot 279 in a pbax league within a week of drilling the ball. Then the ball just turned into a marshmallow, it totally turned me off to Ebonite cause that ball was Big Es chance to get back into my bag.

the hard part of bowling is that you have a large ball and a small target....I wish I had a small ball and a large target.--T-Rich
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: dursty on December 28, 2008, 06:06:29 AM
Columbia Icon 300... yeah, the one that should have had a 'rainbow' sticker on the box.  What a huge turd, lol.  Only reason I had it was that it was one of the 'free' balls they have away at the TAC a number of years ago when they were sponsered by columbia.  Usually the 'free' balls giving away at the High rollers, Mini's, TAC's are balls that didn't sell well.  You would think they would want to get people hooked on their equipment by giving away a premium propular ball.. but no.  Managed to shot a 300 with it somehow not long after I had it drilled up but it just rolled so bad.. not even sure how I managed it.  Never threw it much after that.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: NJStroker on December 28, 2008, 12:15:28 PM
now mind u i suck now lol. i threw a couple 240's with my scorchin inferno (thats good for me lol) but it was wierdly angular for me and i was very hit or miss with it.
Im so glad people are brainwashed to think that TRACK sucks. And its even funnier when im carrying with my TRACK ball and they're going flat ten with their OTHER BRANDS ball.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Whiskey 1966 on December 28, 2008, 02:18:50 PM
My Orange Angle LD and my Star Trak Equalizer II. Both hit like marshmallows but I somehow managed a 764 with the Angle LD and a 288 game with the Star Trak Equalizer II.

I shot a 794 with a Columbia Black Knight. Another dud ball for me most of the time.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: footerson on December 28, 2008, 02:33:13 PM
i had a mystic drilled rico and i couldnt stand the ball but, one day i didnt have a shot and i grabbed it and fired off my second three hundred and havent touched it since
High Score:300(2)
High Series:766
arsenal:uprising, rapid fire, vapor zone, twisted fury, gravity shift, spare ball
350ish revs:
power stroker
gotta hate the 9 pin
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: on December 28, 2008, 05:43:21 PM
I have to admit that my Total Inferno was not on my favorites list, although I shot two 300 games and an 800 series with it. It's not that I didn't like the ball, either, just others that I liked more...

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: thumper on December 28, 2008, 05:53:00 PM
Virtual Gravity.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: LaneHammer20 on December 29, 2008, 11:32:02 AM
Black widow, had some good games, but mostly the ball was to condition specific, and stayed that way even with cover changes.
What is sandbagging???

Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: trash heap on December 29, 2008, 02:10:29 PM
Shot my one and only 300 with a Columbia Wild.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: KDawg77 on December 29, 2008, 02:17:27 PM
Shot 760 with a 279 in practice with a Hammer Reactive Pearl Diesel at one house, but never had a real chance to use it elsewhere.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: sdbowler on December 29, 2008, 03:37:55 PM
Wow I would say either the Quake or the Assassin. Had good results with both but hated both for some reason.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: nowski1381 on December 29, 2008, 04:17:10 PM
Same here with my NVS, serious case of love/hate...shot my first 800 with it and haven't had any luck since...

3 weeks ago shot my 2nd 800 and first 300 with an NVD I picked up for cheap off the board and I'm SERIOUSLY hoping the same thing doesn't happen as it did with my NVS...

Cherry Vibe. Great ball, shot well with it majority of the time but was always reluctant to pull it out of the bag(just plain stupidity).

NVS- Had a 279 and a few in 250-260s range but I mostly shot garbage average saving games with it and still, it was still the the first ball out of bag(serious love/hate)

recently saved some frustation and sold both balls
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Brodieman on December 29, 2008, 08:58:25 PM
Shot a 299 with a hammer that thing was a turd.
Frodo Baggins has failed...George Bush has the ring...
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: delpzooka on December 30, 2008, 01:03:44 AM
I shot a 740 with my storm shift other than that I could not get a good reaction with it. I guess i didnt match up well with it
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: 67tbird on January 22, 2009, 10:47:37 PM
Shot my first 300 with an x-out Black Widow Venom, but never really liked the reaction I got, only used it 4-5 times including the night I shot the 300.
Brunswick Avalanche
Brunswick Chance Zone
DynoThane Vendetta 44 Magnum
Ebonite Gamebreaker - 289
Ebonite Raid
Ebonite Stinger 2 piece low flare
Hammer Black Widow Venom - 300
Hammer Cherry Vibe - 299
Lanemasters Guaranteed
MoRich Awesome Flip
MoRich LevRg
Visionary Immortal Pearl

League Averages
2005-2006 Youth League - 139
2006-2007 Youth League - 163
2007-2008 Mens League - 202
2008-2009 current average - 215
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Maine Man on January 22, 2009, 10:57:58 PM
Columbia Chaos.  I hated that ball, but shot some monster sets with it.
James Goulding
Moores Pro Shop

Bowler 2 Bowler Blog:
State Site:
Local Link:
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: urbanshaft on January 22, 2009, 11:03:53 PM
every ball ive ever had
ive hated until i bowled good with it
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: B-Team 300 on January 23, 2009, 08:29:32 AM
my toxic, i shot a 300 with it, but i never really liked it, odd but i love hammer's other stuff
2008 State Champs, Trinity Forever
Bellarmine University Bowling
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: another300 on January 23, 2009, 09:07:09 AM
Brunswick Attitude.  Shot my one and only far.
Had it for a few weeks, trying to figure it out.  Decided to use it in the state tournament. On pace for a mid 800, split in the 10th frame of last game for 809.  Ball never worked for me after that. Gave it away or traded it a couple weeks after that.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: rymacatthedisco on January 23, 2009, 09:48:42 AM
shot my 811 with a circle hard core and a tremor, i used the tremor on the right lane and hard core on the left. ive never been able to use the hard core since cuz the ball just rolls so bad but for that set it worked perfectly
RYAN MCDANIEL...University of Wisconsin Whitewater Men's Bowling...5th place at nationals in 07/08
great new website!!!


Diamonds...she'll pretty much HAVE to!!!
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: ElectricLeftSlider on January 23, 2009, 04:13:13 PM
My Hammer Hawg Zilla. Threw my first 800 with that ball. For some weird crazy reason, the ball wasn't giving me the roll I usually get on all my balls. Chucked the ball after throwing it on flooded condition and never been the same.
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: tdub36tjt on January 23, 2009, 05:09:06 PM
Same here.

Momentum...hated how it rolled but still usually scored well with it.
Pretty girls make us buy beer...
 Ugly girls make us drink beer...."Al Bundy"
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: J_w73 on January 23, 2009, 05:32:11 PM
290 with my Visionary Immortal solid. Didn't like it cause I could only play down and in with it on dryer lanes.. 3 board swing max.  Wouldn't do anything on any kind of oil.
Not what I thought it would do and I have other balls to play down and in and for dry.
16-17 mph
350-475 rpm
PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8 up
High Game 300 x 3
High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205
PBA Xperience ave 180
years bowling 22
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Necromancer on January 23, 2009, 11:51:52 PM
Not a fan of my Black Widow.  I had 2 and sold 1.  My first 20-30 games I averaged around 230 with several 240 and 250 games.  I just can't rev it up as easy because of its core.  It does hit nice.  I also don't like how it is just black.  I wanted mine with more red in it.
Current Arsenal Gallery (http://"")
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix

2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667
2006-07 League Champions, Southern Comfort Winner
2007-08 League Champions
2008-09 Three-Peat???, Courvoisier Winner

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

Resolution 2009's Greatest Show on Wood
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: J_Mac on January 24, 2009, 12:35:32 AM
Columbia Alter Ego... 1005 for 4 games, never really matched up for me outside that evening though...
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: Housty1820 on January 24, 2009, 01:02:10 AM
Don't Think I've Ever Really Had A Ball That I Bowled Well With That I Did Not Like, i've balls that were crap that i did not like and never shot well with like the rule gp2, storm x factor reloaded, track xception 5.0, track Phenom( worst ball ever) So Now i just buy balls i konw that are good, save some money...
Stud Bowling
Alex Houston

I See Pins I Knock Them Down

Ball Arsenal Current
Cell Pearl
Rapid Fire
Rapid Fire Pearl
T Road Pearl
Spare Storm Ice
Title: Re: Curious: Ever had a ball you shot big with but didnt like?
Post by: BBU on January 24, 2009, 05:02:49 AM
Storm Flash Force. Ball went straight as an arrow. Lanes had dried up for 2 weeks in a row last year and I decided to knock the dust off it and use it. I tossed it straight up the 5 board and it never missed! Now I cant use it, cuz I sold the POS!
Its Hammer Time!!
HammerHead 4 Life