After about one game my first joint on my middle finger hurts to the point I have to stop bowling. The pain is deep in the joint not tenderness on the surface. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has tried bowling with their pinky and ring finger. I tried this with some success and was wondering if I am setting myself up for more pain in these fingers. Switched inserts and the spans are surprisingly correct. It has lowered my track quite a bit but revs look good and hit is good. Consistency not so good, but with some practice, I think I could bowl this way and bowl good. Right now it is a pain free way to keep bowling until my finger gets well.
I am going to see my driller about going extremely away with the pitch in my middle finger as I have arthritis in it and it is very inflexible. Can't feel the grips on the pads of my finger. This might be why I am having this problem.