I've never been a bagger in my life, but this year, due to personal conflicts, my game really sucked early on. My concentration and desire just werent there, so I started out with the lowest average I've had in years, a 192.
Now, as the year winds down, I have hit my stride. While the guys who know me know I wouldn't do it, lots of younger, newer bowlers have raised the question of whether I was bagging or not.
It would be easy to blame me, if not for having a history of not doing it. I am now shooting 700 on a regular basis, and have raised my average back up to 212. Some of them are even mad at me because I am leading in a category that almost embarasses me--most improved. LOL
Me, most improved? Yea, this year I guess so. I normally carry about a 215-220 average. I didn't bowl on Sundays until the last half of the year and averaged 228 there. So some point to that as both proof I am bagging, and proof I'm not. Just depends on how you feel about me personally I guess.
Just call me Darreyl, it's much easier to say!