Pin-chaser, the ball was going thru the mids fine. There's plenty of oil there, but the ball was standing up nicely at about 40 feet. We were on 1 & 2 and, for whatever reason (particularly on 1) the heads go pretty fast on that pair - it requires some loft and fair speed to get past the heads. I tried my Super Carbide Bomb (which is fine on this shot on all but the end pairs) and it was hooking out of my hand on 1. I changed entry angles (tried some shots slower, coming from about 5 boards further out; some in tight); the shots I tried wider were coming in a bit late, the tight ones were ringing tens. I was one of only two persons on the pair actually hitting the pocket a lot; the other guy was leaving 7's, 9's and 10's. He was having trouble staying off the nose on 1, but hitting the hole fine on 2. I think he also shot around 610-20. I had 11 strikes all night - 2 four baggers, and one double. On both four baggers I'd find a shot that carried, then, abruptly, here came the 10 pins. Early my best look was standing 26, crossing at 12 - later it was standing 41, crossing at 16, but going out to 12. It is true that when I get that deep I often have trouble with deflection, but last night it looked like the ball was driving thru the hole pretty well (I did have a couple of swisher's and the 10 pin, when it did go down, was not being hit by a deflection off the kick back, but was being driven out normally.) I am wondering if the 10 might not have been at least a tad off spot - didn't look it, but it is possible (we do have problems with this - the mechanic spends at least 3 hours a week respotting the machines.) At least a couple I left, when playing tighter, were what I call 9 in the pit. Smash pocket and nine pins vanish, but one remains (usually when I do this it's the 7 that I leave.)
It just occurred to me, as I write, that the ball may have been standing up too soon and, even though it didn't really look it, was rolling out just at the pocket. Problem with this theory though is that I often try for that shot, as in the past I've carried very well with it.
Perhaps Humbaba was feeling neglected.....
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal." Oscar Wilde
Ragnar sure likes to throw his purdy Uranium Buzzsaw.