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Author Topic: Darn Cranker!!  (Read 739 times)


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Darn Cranker!!
« on: February 15, 2004, 06:26:03 PM »
Ok let me start by say that I don't have a problem with crankers just this one guy in my handi cap league on monday nights, hes a big time cranker that bowls slow with heaps of revs and hook, the problems this; the lanes where easy to the point that if a 300 wasn't bowled that night it would have been a waste so the game started first three with the ten pin taking its time to fall on the last strike, next frame flush pocket dame 10-pin, then strike, then flush dame 10-pin then strike, strike, strike until the 9th then flush 10-pin going into the 10th frame looking good the go up to bowl and bowl a perfect shot then all of a sudden it grabs at the end and wack big 4!!! I say to myself what the hell that was a prefect ball ended up 212 . 2nd game first ball grab split next frame same thing and Im thinking to myself why have the lanes dryed up so quick at the backend? then I look up and see this guy bowl and I say to myself "ohh Thats why!" he was putting the ball down on the 30 board out to 5 then having it come back in and the huge amount of revs he put on the ball was leaving a track like an inch wide the solutions easy just push the ball faster down the lane and let his track do the work which I did and didn't bowl that badly, just though that its interesting to see what a differents some one like that is in the end he got what he was coming as he started burning up in his own track!! lol
"Storm & Brunswick = Stormwick?!?!"
"Hook Isn't The Key A Repeatable Consistent Shot Is"
"Increase Your Knowledge, Increase Your Score" ~
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Re: Darn Cranker!!
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2004, 11:52:54 AM »
I think, being a cranker and getting frustrated with fluffers, that I'm gonna  buy me a big time sponge and start just totally messing up the shot for others.  I figure it'll be nice to watch their ball slide, then grab (in the track I make swinging to the outside), then slide some more, then grab again (in my track running back across the lane).  Who cares about my score?  I can just take that avg to tourneys and throw the correct ball for the condition and clean up.  In the meantime, I get to ruin everybody's chance of shooting an honor score when they bowl against me.  If I can't get 'em, why should anyone else?!

Don't read too much into it...
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)