Here’s my thoughts on a 24 game marathon. Lineage pulls so much out of the prize fund that entry fees have to be raised just to have a decent payout. 24 games also just proves who is the strongest, no necessarily who was the best that day.
Your area is a little unique in that its about 50 miles to the nearest recreational facility. Not too much to do in Albion except bowl, drink and park.
Instead of trying to come up with an occasional gimmick (marathons, etc), I think you would be better off trying to start a monthly tournament, have it the same weekend each month, same general format. Talk to the bowlers. Find out what they didn’t like about the tournament, make valid changes as necessary.
Don’t expect miracles and to fill the house 1st week out. Bowlers know the good tournaments and will bring buddies to the next one.
One thing I would try is having tournaments on Saturday. Most of the tournaments are run on Sundays, should give you a larger pool to draw from.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel