There have been a number of posts stating that you should not exceed 125 degrees because you will void the warranty. Any balls I have had crack (complete around the entire ball) and I have had many have never even been in a oven. They have cracked sitting on Robby ball cups in plastic bags and rotated every 30 days in a climate controlled room.
The few that have been de-oiled in their life that cracked later on and were still under warranty were returned to the pro shop and then to the distributor for a replacement.
Never ever has a distributor or PSO say, sorry we have somehow determined you de-oiled at 130 or 135 or even 150 degrees so we will not warrant the ball.
Someone please enlighten me and the other perhaps interested posters how a PSO or distributor or even the mfg. as far as that goes can tell a ball was de-oiled sometime in it's life at 130, 135,140, 145, or 150 degrees? I'm really interested in knowing.