SrK, i will have a talk to george, i know him well.
Just to put things in perspective for everyone on the reaction on this ball. On sunday i could... cover the whole lane easily with the phenom that has a drilling for less reaction then the superfreak. standing on 35, thru 18ish, out to the edge and back with my apex obsession drilled for medium conditions. And standing on 32, out thru 15 to the edge and back with my triple threat drilled for length.
The reaction of the superfreak on these lines was.
Phenom Line: gutter
Obsession line: 6-10 pocket
Triple Threat line: 1 2 4 10 leave.
I even tried going down 2 board, after 25 feet i had hope for it, it stood up nicely, and didnt move, washed out for a 2 pin. Im so lost with this ball, any suggestions would be good. Right now i couldnt care who its from, someone who has been bowling 40 years or 40 seconds, im desperate!
Good luck and high scoring