COD is perfectly reasonable and acceptable for a first time trader.
In the audio world in which I also trade, the prices involved are significantly higher, from $100 to $20,000.00 or more so feedback is also of much greater importance. WHat has often happened with COD items is thatthe buyer refuses delivery and the seller is stuck for the shipping costs, which, with insurance and packaging for expensive items, can also cost a lot. Next problem is that technically speaking you cannot examine a COD item until you pay the shipper CASH! That means you can pay for it, get it, open it and find you paid $1000.00 for a box of bricks! That has happened. So often buyers will first be asked to send payment for the shipping costs up front, so that the seller has recompense if the buyer changes his mind and refuses delivery.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."