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Author Topic: Pete Weber wins in Barcelona..  (Read 1804 times)


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Re: Pete Weber wins in Barcelona..
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2008, 12:46:50 PM »
PBA super star Pete Weber (l.) won two matches en route to claim his first career European Bowling Tour title in the 30th Trofeu Internacional Ciutat de Barcelona at Bowling Pedralbes in Barcelona, Spain.

The PBA Hall of Famer, who had back-to-back 300 games in qualifying topped No. 3 seeded Nicole Sanders, Netherlands, 236-211 in the semifinal and went on to defeat No. 1 seeded Paul Moor (r.), 214-211 in the championship match.

Weber earned 12.000 Euro or approx. $18,850 for 1st place and moved up into a tied 16th place in the EBT rankings, Moor received 6.000 Euro for second and Sanders, who won the women's rankings, pocketed 3.000 Euro for third place.

Bowling Pedralbes in Barcelona, Spain (July 22-27, 2008)

Championship Round:
1. Pete Weber, United States, 450 (2 games), 12.000 Euro
2. Paul Moor, England, 211 (1 game), 6.000 Euro
3. Nicole Sanders, Netherlands, 211 (1 game), 3.000 Euro

Playoff Results:
Semifinal Match: Weber def. Sanders, 236-211
Title Match: Weber def. Moor, 214-211.

Places 4-48 with prize money

4. Thomas Larsen, Denmark, 2.500 Euro
5. Pasi Uotila, Finland, 2.000 Euro
6. Tore Torgersen, Norway, 1.800 Euro
7. Osku Palermaa, Finland, 1.700 Euro
8. Frederik Ohrgaard, Denmark, 1.600 Euro
9. Brian Voss, United States, 1.500 Euro
10. Marco Baade, Germany, 1.400 Euro
11. Marcial Ovide Marron, Spain, 1.300 Euro
12. Dennis Eklund, Sweden, 1.200 Euro
13. Jouni Helminen, Finland, 1.100 Euro
14. Peter Ljung, Sweden, 1.000 Euro
15. Martin Larsen, Sweden, 800 Euro
16. Kirsten Penny, England, 800 Euro
17. Jimmy Mortensen, Denmark, 800 Euro
18. Robert Andersson, Sweden, 800 Euro
19. Adriana Perez, Mexico, 600 Euro
20. Ron VanDen Bogaard, Netherlands, 600 Euro
21. Jesper Agerbo, Denmark, 600 Euro
22. Lluis Montfort, Spain, 600 Euro
23. Yoan Alix, France, 600 Euro
24. Sean Rash, United States, 600 Euro
25. Jason Belmonte, Australia, 400 Euro
26. Gery Verbruggen, Belgium, 400 Euro
27. Veronica Lantto, Sweden, 400 Euro
28. Stuart Williams, England, 400 Euro
29. Tobias Karlsson, Sweden, 400 Euro
30. Wim Claessens, Belgium, 400 Euro
31. Andreas Gripp, Germany, 400 Euro
32. Tim Mack, United Stetes, 400 Euro
33. Marilyn Planchard, France, 400 Euro
34. Christer Danielsson, Sweden, 400 Euro
35. Johan Danielsson, Sweden, 400 Euro
36. Erik Andersin, Sweden, 400 Euro
37. Stephanie Huidjen, Netherlands, 300 Euro
38. Lotte Houbo Pedersen, Denmark, 300 Euro
39. Anja Ginge Jensen, Denmark, 300 Euro
40. Tatu Hirvonen, Finland, 300 Euro
41. Jemma Smith, England, 300 Euro
42. Melvin Ocando, Spain, 300 Euro
43. Mikko Hirvonen, Finland, 300 Euro
44. Guy Caminsky, South Africa, 300 Euro
45. Leonidas Marakgos, Greece, 300 Euro
46. Celia Choukroun, France, 300 Euro
47. Jo Cundy, England, 300 Euro
48. Sandra Torrents Pelaez, Spain, 300 Euro

Edited on 7/30/2008 12:47 PM

Monster Pike

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Re: Pete Weber wins in Barcelona..
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2008, 12:49:45 PM »
Cool.  Congrats PDW!!
"The last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it." Rodney Dangerfield


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Re: Pete Weber wins in Barcelona..
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2008, 01:30:54 PM »
Good shooting PDW. Its good to see Brian Voss still has the touch even though he no longer bowls on the PBA Tour

Maine Man

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Re: Pete Weber wins in Barcelona..
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2008, 01:59:56 PM »

"I'd rather be a conservative nut job than a liberal with no nuts and no job."
James Goulding
Bowler Builders Pro Shops
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Re: Pete Weber wins in Barcelona..
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2008, 05:41:29 AM »
Thanks for the post!

Hopefully this will bring some of Pete's fire back so he can bowl better next season.
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