You hit the nail on the head. True bowlers, want the challenge of a Sport shot league. But the current rules make it a pain in the @$$ for the center in order to make that happen. You have to pay extra fees, run tapes every week, send them in, and be ready to tell your bowlers that just had the game/week of his life that his Sport honor score doesn't count because the lanes didn't meet specifications. Most centers, that I know of anyway, don't want to do this because of the extra cost of having to put down more oil than their typical house pattern. Much less all the added hassles above. And if you get lucky enough to find a center that will spend the extra time/money to do this, you get bowlers who talk about wanting to get better, but quit halfway through league because they can't average their 200+, 210+, 220+, 230+, etc on this condition. They talk a good game, but when they see just how bad they really are, they run back to THS quicker than you can say House Hack. What center will spend the extras needed to put this out, when they see fewer and fewer bowlers coming in for it?!? If you run one of these in the Summer, you get a big turnout......since Summer averages don't count. So it doesn't effect people who now average 180-190 instead of 220-230. Plus the league length is shorter, so people don't have to feel frustrated for 30-34 weeks, only 12.