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Author Topic: CLASSLESS  (Read 5085 times)


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« on: November 07, 2006, 07:01:08 AM »
Last night while bowling , a guy on the pair next to us had the front 9 in the last game.As I was coming off the approach in my 10th frame he was getting up on the approach for his 10th when this moron on the team they were bowling says loud enough for the guy to hear, "keep it out of the gutter now". What a classless move. I wasnt sure he heard it, but he told his teammate that he heard it as he was begining his approach and couldnt stop. I just thought that it was one of the most classless things a guy could do. By the way , he left a 4 pin and finished with 277.



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« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2006, 06:52:46 AM »
Would NEVER see that kind of crap in any of our leagues as well! If someone has the front 11, he/she is usually given the entire house as far as lane courtesy goes! Of course we only have 18 lanes, but still! Everyone cheers them after the 11th, then silence.... then again, this may add tension to some people knowing that just about everyone in the house is watching them! Guess the cream will rise to the top, huh? I didn't fare so well my only shot at 300= high flush 4-9 split. Damn...



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« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2006, 07:06:41 AM »
What kind of morons do you guys bowl with. I guarantee you that that will never happen in my leagues. We had 2 299's so far this year and on the last shots, everyone in the place stood behind the guy cheering him on for his final shot. If someone pulled some crap like that to me and I missed my 300, I would beat the crap out of him regardless of jail time or prosecution!

Well Said, need to find either better leagues or better class of people.   Both of my leagues we have had 2 299's and 1 300 and the whole league was quiet pulling for everybody.   I myself had the front 10 a few weeks ago and teams on 3 pairs over to each side were waiting, wound up shooting 299.....
If I could only bowl my weight, I still would not average 200.   But hey I still damm sexy!