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Author Topic: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange  (Read 10658 times)


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Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« on: January 16, 2010, 04:09:10 AM »
I get this error when trying to access the Bowling Ball Exchange site.  Do any of you computer wizards know what this means and what I need to do to fix it?  Please explain in simple terms.  I'm somewhat computer illiterate!!


You have been denied access to this forum. The reason is that you are visiting us from a place that has been blacklisted as an Open Proxy. You have to fix this, and return.



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Re: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2010, 10:45:02 PM »
The mods aren't handling the situation very well over there...
"Student of the Game"

Only a select few "mods" have the power to ban.  I've been a mod for years.  I can't ban somebody.....
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North Bowl Bowling Center
ctwings10--"Here's the problem with any retail service - You can't fix stupid."


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Re: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2010, 10:49:13 PM »
If Mo had paid for his Gold Membership he may still be allowed.


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Re: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2010, 10:58:21 PM »
If Mo had paid for his Gold Membership he may still be allowed.  

and teh chek wuld hav 2 ben paid 2 Ritchie S.


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Re: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2010, 11:42:40 PM »
I get this error when trying to access the Bowling Ball Exchange site.  Do any of you computer wizards know what this means and what I need to do to fix it?  Please explain in simple terms.  I'm somewhat computer illiterate!!


You have been denied access to this forum. The reason is that you are visiting us from a place that has been blacklisted as an Open Proxy. You have to fix this, and return.

This message means that your IP address has somehow gotten onto a blacklist. Blacklists are maintained by several organizations to track IPs of known hackers and spammers. BBE uses the blacklist services to block such activities and since implementation, we are blocking 8 to 12 spammers a day and have had less than 1/4 as many hackers.

You will see in the message a link to click to track down why your IP is on a list. The action to take to rectify this is to copy the entire message and get in touch with your Internet Service Provider (comcast, FIOS, etc.)so they can contact the blacklist service and let them know that the IP that has been assigned to you is erroneously on the blacklist.


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Re: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2010, 06:11:27 AM »
The mods aren't handling the situation very well over there...
"Student of the Game"

Only a select few "mods" have the power to ban.  I've been a mod for years.  I can't ban somebody.....
Proshop Operator
North Bowl Bowling Center
ctwings10--"Here's the problem with any retail service - You can't fix stupid."

I should have said "admins."
"Student of the Game"


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Re: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2010, 06:52:35 AM »
He was banned for "violating the Terms of Service". I guess I would have never joined that site if I knew part of the TOS was "Live or die by the Buzzsaw". I find this funny that Mo gets banned because he's smarter than Ritchie pretty much... And you claim there's no favortism. Well lets see, Lane #1 is clung to your site's nuthair, and the owner of the company pretty much has all the power he wants on that site. He gets in a tiff with Mo, and it wasn't even a justifiable tiff, and all of a sudden Mo is banned. Well idiots, I hope you realize that sometimes it IS the Survival of the fittest. And Lane #1 and BBE fanboys alike don't meet the intellectual quota.


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Re: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« Reply #22 on: January 18, 2010, 10:56:20 AM »
Well idiots, I hope you realize that sometimes it IS the Survival of the fittest. And Lane #1 and BBE fanboys alike don't meet the intellectual quota.  

LOL... Another generalization from someone who doesn't care enough to create even a skeletal profile.

It's actually refreshing to go to BBE and read real bowling discussions that aren't littered with troll droppings. BR has become an un-moderated breeding ground for trouble making bottom feeders, and I'm guessing that has influenced some of the polices at BBE.

If you go into BBE with the intent to share information and show the least bit of respect for other posters, things tend to go smooth.

Roy Munson

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Re: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« Reply #23 on: January 18, 2010, 11:47:31 AM »
I''m a member there but I haven''t really posted but a couple of times. I guess it''s some kind of Lane #1 fanboy site?
I guess the owner of BBE is Ritchie Sposato, and he can''t handle the truth about his company, so if anyone disagrees with him to talks bad about his company he''ll ban them.

What a joke.
If you *are* in fact using a proxy, that''ll do it. If not, it''s probably an error with your browser or IP address. I personally can''t access BBE at all (page doesn''t load) since I blatantly bashed Lane #1 and Ritchie, thus proving my point that Ritchie owns the website and orders people to be banned if they don''t use Lane #1.

I hate fanboys.

It is obvious you hate the place . . . and yet . . . keeps trying to access it
Are you one brain cell away from being stupid?[/quote]

Edited on 1/18/2010 12:50 PM


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Re: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2010, 10:44:17 AM »
There is a website out there thats neutral to all parties, welcomes all people, and is not sponsored by anyone...

... and we even have a forum


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Re: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2010, 11:32:03 AM »
That whole thing that went on over there left me feeling down about Lane #1. I do have some of their equipment and honestly this has made me really thinking about getting rid of them. There are many other companies out there that make great stuff that would not deal in this nonsense.

Richie could have stepped in and had the banned lifted or not implemented at all simply for the fact that it was bringing more people to BBE to read Mo's posts and Lane #1 banners are all over that site  giving his product more exposure. The money he gives to that site has to let him have some say about what is going on over there.

Great way to treat one of the best minds in bowling.


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Re: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2010, 12:01:08 PM »
BBE is owned by Steve who doesn't even bowl. Steve is an egotistical POS who caters to those who kiss his azz, and just bans anyone who doesn't. You are only allowed to express positive thoughts, and usually about Lane #1, and you have no right to express anything negative(or honest), or you will be banned. If you are giving BBE money, you have a better chance of surviving, but if you aren't giving them money, you are just another poster and are ok as long as you stroke their egos and say stuff they like to hear. Most BBE members are decent people, but would rather tuck their tails between their legs and clam up, rather than standing up for themselves, other members, or to the admins and mods for being dumb azzes at times. They would rather do this than risk the chance of being banned from their beloved, but rather phony site. Steve runs the site through fear. He is the man with the ban button under his fingers and uses the threat to make people cow tow to his egotistical thought process.

Richie doesn't own BBE, but I believe he has tremendous influence over what goes on there since he is the primary sponsor and it is primarily a Lane #1 site. I find it very disappointing that Richie allows Steve and the others to run the site like dictators and treat the members the way they do. I have spoken to Richie personally over the phone about my ban and the way Steve operates. Richie basically said that Steve owned it and could do whatever he wants, right or wrong, and there was nothing he could do about it. Although that may be the case in some respect, I believe Richie could step in and straighten Steve up. I believe that if he cares about Lane #1's reputation and truely cares about the people that use and support Lane #1, he will step in and get things right. If not, I can see things going downhill for Lane #1. I am a nobody and my banning means nothing. But when Steve and BBE starts banning people like Mo Pinal of MoRich, then it's time to drop a bomb on them.

I am a big a fan of Lane #1 as there is and have thrown nothing but Lane #1 equipment for like 6 years now. I have bought/sold/traded boatloads of Lane #1 used and NIB balls trying to push the product I truly loved and believed in. I have had to deal with the bashing from the anti Lane #1 people and have always stuck up for Lane #1 whether it be about their equipment or prices or whatever. Well except for the "very rare" $300+ rip offs, lol. But the way things have been going and especially with the Mo Pinal fiasco, I haven't been feeling the same fire about Lane #1 as I have in the past. I just keep feeling more and more like it's all about the sales and less about the people supporting them. I can't believe it but I have actually been thinking about selling off all of my Lane #1 equipment and going another direction. Don't know what I'm going to do, but the sour taste in my stomach isn't very pleasant.

If any of those angry about the Mo Pinal fiasco had any real balls, they'd boycott BBE until something was done about it and Steve learns how to treat and respect ALL of the members there, not just the favorites and those who give money.

I came into this world with no friends, and I have no problem leaving this world with no friends. So you have two simple choices: You can either like me or you can bite me.

My $.02 on the whole deal is that Steve from BBE is just overmoderating the forum (trying to keep BBE a safe place for his kids to come and play games in the arcade). I read the thread that supposedly led to Mo Pinel getting a ban and I honestly couldn't find anything that warranted a ban. FWIW, Mo Pinel had more posts in a week than Ritchie (Mr. Buzzsaw) has had since he joined BBE almost 4 years ago.


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Re: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2010, 12:25:02 PM »

If you go into BBE with the intent to share information and show the least bit of respect for other posters, things tend to go smooth.

If this is legitimately true then, I'd LOVE to know why I got banned.  I shared information, posted reviews, did not disrespect anyone, had my name brought up out of context when I wasn't even there and getting blamed for something and when I questioned the "Admins" all I got was "read the rules," as an answer.  So please if this statement is really true Steven I'd love a real answer on why I was banned, cause I definitely didn't learn mind reader at USC.


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Re: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« Reply #28 on: January 19, 2010, 02:42:16 PM »
So please if this statement is really true Steven I'd love a real answer on why I was banned, cause I definitely didn't learn mind reader at USC.  

Nose: I said things 'tend' to go smooth over at BBE if the rules are followed. The threads I read there seem to be civil, and posters don't seem to disappear into the 'Ban' sinkhole. But nothing is absolute. I have no idea why you were personally banned. Maybe you rubbed one of the BBE mods who post here on BR the wrong way, and because of that, they put you on a very (very) short leash.

BTW, I don't know if they teach 'mind reading' at USC. If you're really interested, check out availability on their on-line catalog.


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Re: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« Reply #29 on: January 19, 2010, 03:33:50 PM »
I think this is about more than Mo...

BBE finally site appeared to shed it's fan boy image and began to attract some leaders of the industry. The bowling celebrity Q & A was a great concept. However with the manner in which Mo was banned, I will be shocked if any other "big" names agree to do a Q&A.

As a bowling geek it was great, while it lasted...
"Student of the Game"


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Re: Denied Access to Bowling Ball Exchange
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2010, 11:32:01 AM »
I just tried to register there to look at a thread that came up when I searched Google for something..

"The administrator has banned your email address."

This must have been from when he made a thread advertising his site to trade equipment.. I replied with something like... "This site seems to be doing alright, I'll just stay here"

Guess he got butthurt
Brian Taylor
Terre Haute, IN
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