Bah... the Columbia300 Ceramicore is the densest ever.

That little nugget in the middle of the ball was the best ever.

I think we need to really look at the word they use though... It's densest.
Lets look at the definition of dense:
adj. dens·er, dens·est
1)Having relatively high density.
2)Crowded closely together; compact: a dense population.
3)Hard to penetrate; thick: a dense jungle.
Permitting little light to pass through, because of compactness of matter: dense glass; a dense fog.
Opaque, with good contrast between light and dark areas. Used of a photographic negative.
4)Difficult to understand because of complexity or obscurity: a dense novel.
5)Slow to apprehend; thickheaded.
1)The quantity of something per unit measure, especially per unit length, area, or volume.
2)The mass per unit volume of a substance under specified conditions of pressure and temperature.
So lets think about it. Just because the core is the densest does NOT mean it's somehow heavier. If there's no air pockets in it, it's more dense than another material that does have some air in it.
Then again after all of this talk, I'm thinking they mean definition #5: