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Author Topic: Developing a strong spare game  (Read 3115 times)

Doc Hollywood

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Developing a strong spare game
« on: April 29, 2004, 02:58:40 AM »
How many of you would devote a season at developing a sound spare game.

That is to throw as few strikes as possible and leave singles and multiple pin spares to work on your spare game.

In order to average 200+ it requires stringing strikes and shooting some spares.

How about the opposite averaging high 180 to 190s without stringing strikes.

Would that be a harder thing to do?

You could still be very accurate and practice different lines not playing the exact one to score high but to work on accuracy and spare shooting ability.

I admit on easier conditions it becomes a carry fest but on tough conditions it all comes down to spare shooting.

How many of you would devote to shooting a season like that?  You would shoot as few 200 games as possible and if you do shoot below 210 and throw as few doubles or strings. Spend time to shoot good lines and work on the spare shooting.

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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2004, 06:02:17 PM »
I do that, it's called "right now"....

And yes, I have already replied to your post that quick.


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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2004, 06:09:25 PM »
That's my normal game, miss strikes and try to pick up spares, but the missing strikes is not on purpose!! LOL
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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2004, 06:40:33 PM »
My game is normally clean, or 1 split. A double or two. Clean 210-220.
I've devoted MANY seasons to this. Would I do it on purpose? Not during a league where I'm paying a high lineage fee...

One night during the scratch league, an open bowler, using house ball and house shoes, shot 300 during practice.
At that time, I told my teammates that although that was kinda neat, I knew that the guy who shot 300 could never do what I had just done - a clean 197.

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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2004, 08:20:39 PM »
If you want my opinion...(which most people don't lol)

The key to developing a strong spare game is to

1) Making your SINGLE PIN SPARES
    1a)Learn to FLATTEN YOUR WRIST to shoot corner spares, save the 60 or 70 bucks you WASTE on a spare ball    <~~~~This alone raised my average 8 pins from 2002-2003, and 4 from 2003-2004.

2) then work on your multiple pin spares

3) have at least 2 ways of shooting spares.

for instance, I generally shoot right handed corner spares off the left edge.  If there's too much oil for the ball to go through, I can go cross-lane without a problem.  Some people prefer to go straight at spare, but I like an angle, I feel I can get a better margin of error that way.
Tenpin2002 will tell you that I'm arguably the BEST spare shooter in a league, where I averaged 208, high man was 222, and there were 6 guys between 208 and 222.  I'm the one who argues with him, because I'm not satisfied with 95%.
Carry the 8.  be a good lefty.


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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2004, 08:40:45 PM »
Well in my book it is, because i've never felt the idea of buying a ball just for spares was a good investment.  I gladly learned to flatten out/reposition my wrist to save some money.

but again, my apologies, what i should have written was a nice bold "in my opinion"
Carry the 8.  be a good lefty.


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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2004, 10:37:14 PM »
Question here,
  I hear the term flatten the wrist all the time.
What is the difference in up the back, or end over
end, the kind of release that is used for oil.
If we are supposed to have 2 releases any way
and can interchange easily, maybe a spare ball
is not always necessary,at least  on a normal house
shot. Now if flatten means to break the wrist back
I would need to take off my Mongoose. Big bother.
 So how do you flatten your wrist?


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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2004, 11:33:22 PM »
well if you're dependant on a glove, a plastic spare ball drilled on center or heck, even opposite lol might be for you...

basically the "flattening the wrist" is the same shot, but instead of cupping the wrist and lifting, you just release normally, but no cupping, just a pseudo turn of the hand.  that's the best i can describe it.
Carry the 8.  be a good lefty.


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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2004, 11:46:58 PM »
how would you try to shoot and carry a little ammount of strikes?? throw straight? or what? throw at the head pin????


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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2004, 12:30:58 AM »
Playing a line that purposely won't strike, just so you can work on spares sounds an awful lot like bagging.  Working on spares is for practice, not when you are trying to win

Doc Hollywood

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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2004, 01:10:54 AM »
Bagging is for personal gain.  If you shoot consistently all season without going over is not bagging.  If you practice to shoot 190's consistently and though you may have the ability to shoot better and don't when there is the opportunity to gain would not be considered bagging if you do this all the time.

Bagging would be shooting 190's and then during a roll off or sweeper averaging 220's

You all are thinking about the greed side of bowling and I am talking about something totally different.  I never stated anything to do about bowling for an unfair advantage.  That shows the difference of one who can be totally committed to practice or focusing on one thing.  

I am not here to bash anyone or to raise a whole new argument on bagging.  I was posing a question to you all.  Nothing more or less.
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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2004, 02:35:06 AM »
If I were bowling a league where the prize fund wasn't that high, my bowling dues were reasonable, and my team didn't mind, I would consider the challenge of working a whole year on spare shooting. Problem is on my main team being the high average bowler, I think my teammates would think I am really struggling all year and wouldn't understand my ultimate goal. I think this would be a great summer thing to strive for though...



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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2004, 08:40:32 AM »
Sounds like sandbagging to me.

Why would you not try your best on every shot? That means the first ball as well as the second.

Use PRACTICE to practice on your spares and spare technique.


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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2004, 09:03:05 AM »
well if you're dependant on a glove, a plastic spare ball drilled on center or heck, even opposite lol might be for you...

basically the "flattening the wrist" is the same shot, but instead of cupping the wrist and lifting, you just release normally, but no cupping, just a pseudo turn of the hand.  that's the best i can describe it.
Carry the 8.  be a good lefty.

I use a Cobra, and I flatten my wrist with the glove on.
The main thing I do when picking up corner(10 pins) is to
point my thumb at the pin althe way through the shot.
It kills the ball making it roll end over end.  I actually
slow my shot down at the 10 pin to accomplish this.  I
get more control that way.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2004, 09:09:54 AM »
That is to throw as few strikes as possible and leave singles and multiple pin spares to work on your spare game.

How do you intend to leave single pins, but not throw strikes?  I know I'm not accurate enough to intentionally leave 10 pins or 4 pins at will.