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Author Topic: Developing a strong spare game  (Read 3111 times)

Doc Hollywood

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Developing a strong spare game
« on: April 29, 2004, 02:58:40 AM »
How many of you would devote a season at developing a sound spare game.

That is to throw as few strikes as possible and leave singles and multiple pin spares to work on your spare game.

In order to average 200+ it requires stringing strikes and shooting some spares.

How about the opposite averaging high 180 to 190s without stringing strikes.

Would that be a harder thing to do?

You could still be very accurate and practice different lines not playing the exact one to score high but to work on accuracy and spare shooting ability.

I admit on easier conditions it becomes a carry fest but on tough conditions it all comes down to spare shooting.

How many of you would devote to shooting a season like that?  You would shoot as few 200 games as possible and if you do shoot below 210 and throw as few doubles or strings. Spend time to shoot good lines and work on the spare shooting.

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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2004, 09:18:54 AM »
That is to throw as few strikes as possible and leave singles and multiple pin spares to work on your spare game.

How do you intend to leave single pins, but not throw strikes?  I know I'm not accurate enough to intentionally leave 10 pins or 4 pins at will.

I think one way that you could do it is by not using your goto ball.
If you are bowling on a med condition, use your dry or oil ball, that
way you will get a few odd leaves.  

I would say that you should tell your teammates that you are going to be
doing this, especially if they know that you are a 200 bowler.

I agree with Doc though,

You cannot truely practice your spare durring open bowling, especially if you
use your strike ball as I do on your spares.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member

Rick Wunder

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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2004, 09:29:42 AM »
I would not do that.  That is what practice is for - working on things like spares, different releases, etc.

Edited on 4/30/2004 9:22 AM


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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2004, 09:36:46 AM »
Why can't you practice your spare game during open bowling?  Haven't you ever played low ball?  Done the spare zone drill?  During college, after we had warmed up at practice we weren't allowed to throw a shot for a strike for at least the first 30 minutes.  

And I know of certain houses where you can program what pins you want set up during practice.  So if you are struggling to pick up the 8 pin, you can shoot just the eight pin for 3 games.

You can disagree if you want, but I say during league, when scores count, you either throw your best shot or you stay home.



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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2004, 09:39:00 AM »
OK, I think my question has been answered.Just
stay behind the ball palm to the ceiling all the way.
 I think if you practice this it will help to make
you a better spare shooter, and not depend on your
spare ball as much, as well as you are learning 2 ways
to release the ball. One of the things I want to work
on this summer in open bowling is a good up the back release
or good forward roll on my strike ball.Try to use one ball.


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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2004, 09:45:30 AM »
Why can't you practice your spare game during open bowling?  Haven't you ever played low ball?  Done the spare zone drill?  During college, after we had warmed up at practice we weren't allowed to throw a shot for a strike for at least the first 30 minutes.  

And I know of certain houses where you can program what pins you want set up during practice.  So if you are struggling to pick up the 8 pin, you can shoot just the eight pin for 3 games.

You can disagree if you want, but I say during league, when scores count, you either throw your best shot or you stay home.

Yeah you can practice that way if you have a house that will do that for you.
IMO  the reason for practicing the spares during league is so that you have the
lane condition down.  It does no good to practice spare during open bowling when the lanes are dry.  Then you bowl in leagues, and the lanes are flooded.

Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member


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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2004, 09:55:07 AM »
Which is why the majority of the best players in the world throw the ball straight at 99% of their spares.  That way, whether the lanes are hooking, or you are playing the straight up the boards, you are shooting your spares from the same place everytime.  If you remove the lane surface from the equation, then all you have to worry about is your arm swing and how the ball comes off your hand.


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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2004, 09:55:48 AM »
I am also one that thinks this is bagging. If you were a .300 batter  and you decide you want to learn to switch hit, then a game time you bat left handed? That's what batting cages are for, practice. No matter what the intent the side affect is bagging, one is not giving there best effort to score.

Well that out of the way, I have found my spare shooting is affect by how well I'm bowling. If hitting the pocket well and timing is good usually make most spares even some of those difficult splits. If my first ball is spraying it, then my spares tend go down. It's seems to me it is better to have a spare system that works for you, then it will help point to flaws in the first ball that is thrown.

Doc Hollywood

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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2004, 10:03:27 AM »
Pinbuster -  
Why would you not try your best on every shot? That means the first ball as well as the second.

Use PRACTICE to practice on your spares and spare technique.

The object would be to try to do your best on every shot.  The object being is to learn how to leave a makeable spare.  I'll give you an example. I know for me that when I have the line where the perfect shot is and I line up a board to the right I often can come in high and leave the 4 pin.  Or if I just flatten my hand out I can ping 10 pins.  If I get in deeper by two boards and play a tight line and come around the ball a little I can leave a bucket.

The main reason for doing this is two fold.  one you know what it takes to leave certain pins so if you are ever lost at a new house you can tell yourself I know that if I do X or Y or Z I will be back into the pocket for strikes.  Second you really learn to become a great spare shooter.

How many people really know their game so well that they know what to do on the lanes? and how to correct for a quick recovery?

My guess is very few.  I know I am going to get some of you stating that this is something that you shouldn't do but then again the ones that are telling me this are either high 200+ bowlers  or house bowlers that can't can't average the same anywhere else.

This is a tip to help the lower average bowlers learn to open up their game.

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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2004, 11:10:30 AM »
Practicing spares during any competition makes zero sense.

The way you groove your 10 pin shot is to throw it over and over and over.  That's what builds muscle memory, and gives you confidence that you can make the 10 pin under pressure.

Shooting a 10 pin, followed by a strike ball, followed by a 7 pin, followed by a strike ball, followed by a 4 pin, doesn't do the job.

When I bowl in league, my goal is to win, not to work on my game.  I wouldn't bowl with anyone who told me he wanted to practice shooting spares during competition.

Maybe he'll decide to shoot the 10 pin on both balls.  Wow, a perfect 20!
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: Developing a strong spare game
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2004, 07:35:29 AM »

How about the opposite averaging high 180 to 190s without stringing strikes.

You could still be very accurate and practice different lines not playing the exact one to score high but to work on accuracy and spare shooting ability.

To me, it would be're trying NOT to string're holding back, ...."trying something"'s not an honest effort to do "your best" ....IMO

Good shot, bad shot, good shot, bad shot....COME ON JEFF ! String a couple would ya !