I got them in all my balls about four weeks ago and I love it. I guess my driller knows what he is doing because every inner sleeve fits in every outer sleeve exactly the same.
Before getting the SwitchGrip, I tried GripLoc in one ball. And even though GripLoc is cheaper, I liked SwitchGrip better mostly because the locking mechanism in on the bottom of the inner sleeve instead of the side and the inner sleeve slid in and out easier with the SwitchGrip.
I also got four different sizes of oval thumb insert (two bigger and one smaller than my normal thumb size) and had those installed in the inner sleeves. Now, when my thumb swells or shrinks, I go for a different size thumbhole instead of tape.
The only downside is that the initial dollar investment is pretty high. I bought 10 outer sleeves (arsenal of 6 plus 4 extra), 6 inner sleeves (four different thumb inserts plus two extra) and paid for plug and drill of six balls. Luckily, my driller was able to borrow a 1.5" drill bit from a Turbo distributor or one of us would have had to buy that big-azz drill bit too.
And just for your information, I had to get the holes plugged because the drill but he borrowed had a pointed tip which produced massive vibration when trying to drill out an existing hole. Apparently you need a flat tip drill bit to drill out an existing hole without vibration problems.
Also, make sure that the outer sleeve slides in and out of the pilot hole easily. Do not let your driller glue it in if he has to pound it in with a hammer because that will make the inner sleeve hard to slide in and out. I know this because the first one my driller did, he drilled the hole, did a test fit and then glued it and banged it in. As a result, the inner sleeve was VERY hard to slide in and out (and had to be redone). The others were done by drilling the hole and using the tool with the butterfly-like sandpaper on the end to open up the hole until the outer sleeve went in without force. Then the inner sleeve goes in and out as smooth as glass.
While I was getting mine done, another customer came in the shop to buy a whole arsenal and he opted for the Turbo SwitchGrip based on seeing it in my equipment.
In summary, if you can get past the cost and/or a perfect feeling thumbhole makes a big enough difference in your game to justify the cost, then do it and you will not regret it.
Regards, ClutchClayBall review spreadsheet available at: