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Author Topic: Did anyone else come back with cold/flu symtoms from the Hoinke  (Read 3740 times)


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I'm sicker than a dog.  I don't remember ever being this sick.  I think Thong Princess spiked my drink.  I heard her knocking on my door late Saturday night, but I was too scared to answer.  The Escatsy must not have worked

Sniffles Sunday, clogged nose and fever Monday and now its in my chest.  What did you do to me TP?

The trip was great and bowling with SrKegler, Strikemachine, TP, Rick Wunder, Card79, Axewelder, Paul and Tony was a blast.

Srkegler got another head pin tap towell that he is famous for and if you were to video tape Mr and Mrs Kegler, you'd have aq hit comedy SITCOM. What a great pair.

I wish I could tell you all the fun we had, between singles doubles and team event, it was great.

To keep it bowling related,   CARD79    bend the knee.

I've already worked up a sweat from typing this little


Edited on 6/11/2003 11:25 AM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: Did anyone else come back with cold/flu symtoms from the Hoinke
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2003, 10:51:34 AM »
Things took a turn for the wore yesterday afternoon.  I had to ask my wife to comer home from work (she's a RN) and she wanted to hospitalize me  Fever got high and she kept me cool and drinking a lot of fluids.  This morning the fever is gone and all I have is body ache, sniffles and sore throat.  But getting better.  I haven't been sick in a long time and flying back from Cincinnati I was worried about SARS.

In 1994 I had an MRI and a Mylogram (sp)  The MRI was freaky because I am clostophobic (sp).  With my wide shoulders the first time they pushed me in I got stuck and freaked out.  Next time they folded my arms very my chest and I closed my eyes and went for it.  Man is that scary.  Tomorrow I'm taking two valium before I go (prescribed of course).  They talked aboput removing the lower Lombard vertebrae.  I guess thats where the spinal core ends and the nerves go through the lomrbar  I think they said my problem was in both L3 and L5.  The Mylogram was even tougher but not as scary.  the pain I had when they pushed that needle into my spinal core was like getting electrocuted.  I didn't want to end my career in 1994 do I opted to forgo the operation until I got ready to retire.  Well I guess its time.

Thank you all for the well wishes.

To keep it bowl;in related:  Card79, remember to bend your knee


Edited on 6/12/2003 10:55 AM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Did anyone else come back with cold/flu symtoms from the Hoinke
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2003, 10:56:39 AM »
I will bend and good luck.  Sorry for all our bad humor about your illness.

Might want to check that monkeypox thing though.
I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.