Yes, it's the same Phil C. who ran Track, and Dyno-Thane.
He was chief executive officer CEO ( I think) at 900Global. I guess he wanted his own company again to run completely as he saw fit. Maybe he wasn't entirely happy at 900G. Maybe he did all he thought he could do there.
FYI LBHS1979, there's a long thread in the OTHER manufacturer's forum about the Radical.Phil made several replies within it. Maybe you'll find his reasons for doing what he did on there??
See this thread:
Radical Slant thread
There are several Radical threads within the OTHER forum also; some are mini-reviews of the ball.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." "Some bowlers are crazy as pickled cats."
Edited by charlest on 5/2/2011 at 6:44 PM