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Author Topic: Bowlers who quite because of lack of scores.........  (Read 3197 times)


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Bowlers who quite because of lack of scores.........
« on: January 26, 2005, 12:06:47 AM »
In my two leagues, a sad occurrence has occurred, (at least I think it is sad), several times this year.  I as secretary and we as a league members have had several bowlers just quite because of "WHAT THEY SEE AS LACK OF SCORES / EQUITABLE CONDITIONS" Etc.  Now mind you I am no Revolutions and I have never bowled in a league with any bowler who has averaged 225+ let alone 230-240ish. I am high or near high in both my leagues as well as high in one house with 210. Profile will reveal that I am no hack, I concur I am not a pro either.  These guys are sad to basically admit they are in NEED OF EXTRA HELP to bowl 190-200 games.  Proprietors are stuck, give them scores and lose them to boredom or make it tough and they quite because of frustration.  So i have developed a list that I am going to post in my league notes.  I amsure that it will for sure tick them off, it needs to be said.  Feel free to add any comments to the list.  Give me permission i will use yours as well ( i will not use your name ).

1. If you stand on the same spot every week and hit the same mark every week and are NOT WILLING TO MOVE.... you have no right to quit.

2. If you can not change at least two things about your game, IE: hand position, speed, rotation degree, speed.... you have no right to quit.

3. If you bring 6 balls in the house and can not make a one pin spare.... you have no right to quit.

4. If you bring 6 balls and they all are drilled the exact same with exact covers...... you have no right to quit.

5. If instead of buying a new ball, you have not taken at least one lesson from a "QUALIFIED COACH"  ...... y h n r t q.

6. If you can not GUARANTEE that your speed, rev rate, target accuracy, rotation degree, etc etc etc are the EXACT same for the last 10 weeks why do u expect the shot to be the exact same very week ................ y h n r t q.

7. If you have not ever averaged over 200 on todays house shots....y h n r t q.

I could go on foreverrrrrrrrrrr but i am interested in the ball reviews people's thoughts....


Edited on 1/26/2005 9:29 AM

Edited on 1/26/2005 9:31 AM



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Re: Bowlers who quite because of lack of scores.........
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2005, 08:34:40 AM »
I think this will not endear you as secretary.  As a secretary you are paid to do just that, take care of the books.  You are not paid to be condescending and believe me if someone was on the edge of quitting this would put them over the edge.  If you hear someone is thinking about quitting I would pull them aside and have a talk.  Not everybody is in to bowling to the point where they have a 12 ball arsenal, a personal coach and subscribes to Bowling Times.  I also believe people quit the sport for many reasons and sometimes they don't want to tell you the real one (money, health, marriage).


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Re: Bowlers who quite because of lack of scores.........
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2005, 08:44:00 AM »
I know why they quit, and I really do not care if anyone thinks I am condescending.  When they FEEL THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO THROW THERE SCORE SHEETS AT ME BECAUSE THEY BOWLED POORLY, or YELL AT ME BECAUSE THE SHOT IS NOT THE SAME AS LAST WEEK.... etc etc etc

When a bowler had / has a legit reason for quitting I amongst the last would hold resentment or judgement.  BUUUTTTTT when a guy quits because of back problems and is WONDROUSLY HEALED to join another league in the Ray Charles classic / adult bumper bowling league across town. And when they YELL out every week THIS SHOT SUCKS.... as have as much right to ruin his night as he ruins mine.

Like wise I offer / give free lessons every Friday night and have / do invite all who wish / want to attend.  Of course to work at the game would never be an option.  Bowl 3 games a week and averege 200 is what they want???

I am secretary in one and bowl one.........


Edited on 1/26/2005 9:51 AM


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Re: Bowlers who quite because of lack of scores.........
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2005, 09:06:37 AM »
If they throw score sheets at you then I would probably show them the door myself.


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Re: Bowlers who quite because of lack of scores.........
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2005, 10:02:38 AM »
My God, I'll never be able to quit! LOL

I understand your frustration, but you'll probably make more enemies than friends with that list.  Think long and hard before putting that up, because it has a good possibility of giving you a less than envious title that will stick with you for a while.  My suggestion would be to call a league meeting about people taking out their poor bowling on you - if it comes to it, aske them to leave if they can't control themselves.  Besides, it is not your job to ensure lane conditions.  Oh yeah, and next year I'd tell them to stick that secretary position up thier a** because you're not there to take their abuse.


Keep your balls on the lane and your mind in the gutter!
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I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: Bowlers who quite because of lack of scores.........
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2005, 10:23:57 AM »
No this is funny. ROFLMAO!!!

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Re: Bowlers who quite because of lack of scores.........
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2005, 11:01:12 AM »
I understand the sentiment, but consider the following:  most 190-200 average bowlers understand that conditions will not be identical from week to week.  But the once or twice a week bowler does have the right to ask for some consistency in lane conditions and ball reaction.  Why?  Well, bowling balls now often cost over $200 a pop (drilled).  Many of these folks work for a living and can't afford to keep four or five strike balls that need to be replaced every 100 games or so.  These folks come in to bowl reasonably well (and many know they will have bad nights) have some chance of competing and to hang out with friends.  When proprietors are constantly screwing around with the shot or when they deliberately make it harder to carry (some do to make it easier to hit the pocket), it gets these folks discouraged.  They are not there to be professionals or even top amateurs.  They are there to have fun.  Bowling is an entertainment business and relative consistency allows them a comfort level.  Added to this is the carry problem.  For these folks (and often for better players) the illusion created by allowing them to hit the pocket but not carry is to give them the illusion of bowling well, but not the reward (higher scores).  Eventually, even good players (real scratch bowlers) can become discouraged when carry has been made difficult (poor cleaning of backends, weak kickboards, deliberate softening of backends) because they lose the good shot/reward feeling.    Just something to consider.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
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Re: Bowlers who quite because of lack of scores.........
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2005, 02:20:09 PM »
I'd like to know which bowling center proprietor would purposely change the shot to piss people off???????

That's right, none of them would.  The fact is, PEOPLE change from week to week, so Nod is dead on, why should the shot be exactly the same?  Believe it or not, pins get worn, machines get worn, temperature changes affect the shot, humidity changes affect the shot, hell leaving the oiler back in the back will give you a different result than leaving the oiler up front over night.  A burned out light bulb might change the shot on a specific lane.  

WHO CARES??????????

Nod, I love it man.  I hope you do pass that out to all of your bowlers.  If you like, you may add mine as well WITH my name on it if you like, and give them my email too!

If you would prefer to watch a basketball game where the rim moves under the ball every time a shot is taken, then...well ya, you should quit and take up a sport where you can win every time regardless of how well you perform.  And when you find that sport, tell the rest of us about it so we can play too.  Oh wait, that sport is bowling.

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"


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Re: Bowlers who quite because of lack of scores.........
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2005, 02:26:37 PM »
I'd like to know which bowling center proprietor would purposely change the shot to piss people off???????

Well, my local lane guy doesn't exactly do this, but what he does certainly has a bit of this effect.  He is trying to force the local guys, who've had the 8 board wall for 40 years, to move.  He's put out variations of PBA A and C, long oily flat, long oily crowns, double stripped back ends, etc.  He has the owners blessing.  Oddly enough only a few are pissed off about the shot getting tough and changing - most don't even recognize what's happening.  And that, my friends, is a large part of the problem.
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal." Oscar Wilde
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(Thought to be a member of something called the PMS club by some.)


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Re: Bowlers who quite because of lack of scores.........
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2005, 02:35:48 PM »
I know I've told this story before, but...
In my handicap league, we had a team who all averaged around 200-205. They were all stand right throw left kinda guys, who had decent ball roll, couldn't pick up most spares, but could put strings together.
I watched, while biting my tongue to keep from laughing out loud, as their team captain went up to the house manager one night, held his hands about 1 foot (yep, 12 inches) apart, and proceeded to light into the manager about "you have made the shot so tough that I can only hit an area this big - and I'm not that good. I guess we'll have to go somewhere else to bowl."

The manager and I still laugh about it.

but - if that's your average 200 average bowler in a handicap league, nothing you say is going to get through THAT mentality!
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Phillip Marlowe

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Re: Bowlers who quite because of lack of scores.........
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2005, 06:43:08 PM »
I'd like to know which bowling center proprietor would purposely change the shot to piss people off???????

That's right, none of them would.  The fact is, PEOPLE change from week to week, so Nod is dead on, why should the shot be exactly the same?  Believe it or not, pins get worn, machines get worn, temperature changes affect the shot, humidity changes affect the shot, hell leaving the oiler back in the back will give you a different result than leaving the oiler up front over night.  A burned out light bulb might change the shot on a specific lane.  

Well, they didn't change it to "piss people off".  One did it a number of times to respond to what he felt were scores that were too high (leading to a difference between the "average bowler" and the better bowler that was too great) and complaints by the weakest bowlers that they couldn't get the ball to hook.  Another changed the shot to allow more people (especially open bowlers who spin the crap out of the ball) to get to the hole by shortening the overall oil and softening the backends, but the effect was to make it more difficult to carry.  Others have gone to less oil to save money and because open bowlers can't "hook" the ball on what would pass for a normal house shot (tough to really hook a plastic house ball, especially with much oil out there).
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
"Some men get the world.  Others get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona."


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Re: Bowlers who quite because of lack of scores.........
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2005, 10:05:13 PM »
I must be high strung today.   hahaha.

Funny post though Nod.  I love it.

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"


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Re: Bowlers who quite because of lack of scores.........
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2005, 02:53:49 AM »
I personally beleave that if I in some way let go of my ball with a forward roll and that it doesn't fall into the gutter before hitting the pins it should be a strike....... I mean come on, why should, skill and talent interfear with my bowling?  Oh and every time I get a little tiny scratch in my ball I want a new ball too.      I worked in high school and my first two years of college in bowling alleys, and I swear there are people out there with that attitude.  My favorite line from someone was when working at stardust bowl in addison IL, 82 or 84 lane house in a row.  Was working a tournament with a decently difficult shot.  Had to be within 15 boards of your mark so people were having difficulties.  A 220+ bowler shot 500, he couldn't carry or make spares, he came up and told me that we were obvioulsy using unsanctioned pins, becasue he couldn't carry.  When you are a 170 bowler and have one or two balls, maybe only one release you can complain to me when the shot changes.  That kind of person complaining makes sense.  But the guy who walks in with 6 balls and averages 220 should be able to hit what ever is out there and not complain.   Doesn't work like that though.