Ok, as the customer, what would be the biggest draw or selling point to you? Our prices are at about 80% of full retail. Would it be a good idea to put the full retail price under the ball, and then put our price on or next to it? I'm all for giving discounts to influence purchases, but in reality, we're already giving a 20% discount to begin with. Also, the price on our Buzzsaws are so low, that if we gave a 10% discount, it would reduce our profits by over 75%.
Next suggestion. Raise prices, but offer a discount that would still save the buyer money from our previous regular prices? I know people see the word "sale" or "discount" and go crazy. I had a guy come in here one day looking at a Scout. Naturally, it's under retail, but was not on sale for a price below our regular. All I would have had to say is that it was on sale, and he'd have bought it. He asked if it was, I said no, and he said he'd just wait until Christmas then.
I would offer selling and drilling services for everyone here, but seeing as how Doug Sterner already does this and is such a class act, I would in no way want to undercut him. Anyway, all opinions and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The purpose of me trying to generate profit is so that we can offer more services and better be able to serve our customers. If we had more cashflow, we could afford to keep more inventory, offer more items, which leads to overall quicker and better service.
YOU'RE better than ME because . . .
1) You can probably shoot higher than 650 every week.
2) People don't keep asking you what high school you go to.
3) Your mouth isn't as big as mine.
4) You post here to get away from people chewing your ass.
5) You probably look forward to waking up every morning.
6) Your skills are probably appreciated.
7) I can barely afford to live with my parents.
People look forward to seeing you at league every week.
9) You don't own my cat.