I went out to L.I. with a couple of other BR guys to watch the morning block of 64. It's always a great time. The Brunswick Avalanche solid mostly and pearl were all over the place. Most of these were observed in games 3-7:
Mika - absolute inferno
Angelo - avalanche solid he started with it, used it all morning
Pete Weber - Thunderstruck (red one)
Mitch Beasley - The Rising (whole block)
Scroggins - switched to a blue vibe last 2 games
Oatman - blue vibe alot
Steve Weber - avalanche
LeClair - cell polished
Kretzer - neptune for last 2
R. Allen - cherry vibe
Barnes - wrath dead flush (dark blue one)
Rhino - that green storm, rapid fire?
Jaros - pluto his 2
Fagan - bite or widow
van hees - avalanche
paul - avalanche
jurek - agent and fired up
WRW - n'sane levrg all morning
mark scroggins - cell
mccune - bite or widow
bohr - avalanche
duke - fired up (red one?)
jones - had to be the raid
kalfas - looked like an angular one
parker - he loves that twisted fury
rogers - fury pearl
russell - avalanche
A half ten is not a great shot. No, you shouldn't have carried it.