All summer long my house has been skimping on the oil, and having reasonably good speed (average around 17.5-18.0 mph) and not much hand, I simply adjusted by using my older less aggressive balls. Then suddenly, today, they decided to put out a heavy oil pattern.... heavier than anything over the summer or even most of this past fall-winter season, and I hated it.
Yes... adjust adjust adjust, but today the strongest ball I had was my polished Anger, and it was just barely getting to the pocket. When it did, it was russian roulette whether it would be a strong mixing strike, or a flat 8 or 9. And I LOVE that ball. But it wasn't anywhere near enough ball today.
If the shot is like this consistently, I will have to learn to adapt to be able to bowl on it. But changing it like this after months of dryness...even overly dry conditions, really pissed me off, and I have vowed to buy the most aggressive ball designed for the heaviest oil patterns. I am going to put that ball in my locker and maybe only use it once in a blue moon. But I am NEVER again going to spend an afternoon fighting with the lanes to get a decent reaction from my ball like I just did.
This was not a tournament or even league. But I came in today just to keep myself sharp, and instead ended up fighting to bowl scores in the 150-170 range ---- way below my 190-200 average.
I DO realize that if the lanes are flooded, nothing will move, but these were like semi-flooded. Enough dry for the ball to grab eventually, but usually way too late.
Is there a ball ----from any manufacturer, that is almost certain to have some traction in these conditions? Even if I only can use it once every few months, I don't want to ever leave home without it again.