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Author Topic: discovered oil; not happy!  (Read 3073 times)


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discovered oil; not happy!
« on: August 16, 2008, 04:35:51 PM »
All summer long my house has been skimping on the oil, and having reasonably good speed (average around 17.5-18.0 mph) and not much hand, I simply adjusted by using my older less aggressive balls. Then suddenly, today, they decided to put out a heavy oil pattern.... heavier than anything over the summer or even most of this past fall-winter season, and I hated it.

Yes... adjust adjust adjust, but today the strongest ball I had was my polished Anger, and it was just barely getting to the pocket. When it did, it was russian roulette whether it would be a strong mixing strike, or a flat 8 or 9. And I LOVE that ball. But it wasn't anywhere near enough ball today.

If the shot is like this consistently, I will have to learn to adapt to be able to bowl on it. But changing it like this after months of dryness...even overly dry conditions, really pissed me off, and I have vowed to buy the most aggressive ball designed for the heaviest oil patterns. I am going to put that ball in my locker and maybe only use it once in a blue moon. But I am NEVER again going to spend an afternoon fighting with the lanes to get a decent reaction from my ball like I just did.

This was not a tournament or even league. But I came in today just to keep myself sharp, and instead ended up fighting to bowl scores in the 150-170 range ---- way below my 190-200 average.

I DO realize that if the lanes are flooded, nothing will move, but these were like semi-flooded. Enough dry for the ball to grab eventually, but usually way too late.

Is there a ball ----from any manufacturer, that is almost certain to have some traction in these conditions? Even if I only can use it once every few months, I don't want to ever leave home without it again.



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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2008, 02:45:50 PM »
Deadbait -- I don't want to take credit for someone else's post.  The John referred to was John D Davis.  --  JohnP


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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2008, 07:40:51 AM »
Sorry... poor wording on my part.

I meant 8 and 9 counts I was leaving. Not the 8 and 9 pins.

Surprisingly enough (or maybe not so much), I leave lots of 8 pins and 8-10 splits when my ball DOES have traction. Not the case this past Saturday.

Plenty of 10 pins, but a general assortment after that as I kept changing speeds, positions, targets, loft, etc...

Ahhh... got ya.  That does make more sense.

My biggest problem with huge pattern swings is that you get used to how they normally set things up, and go in prepared for what you normally face, then BAM!  They do a 180 and you're completely unprepared from an equipment standpoint.  Wouldn't be so bad if you had some warning...

Sorry, I don't have a recommendation for a heavy oil ball (haven't needed one of those where I bowl for years, so I haven't kept up with them).  But it sounds like a good idea for you to keep one handy just in case.  Good luck!


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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2008, 02:00:38 PM »
Yes... That's exactly why I was annoyed or frustrated.

If they had announced the shot would be different, or at least acknowledged afterward, but it was like we were just imagining things.

Did I mention there were other bowlers who also noticed the difference?  I dont think I did. They, of course, have more revs and less speed than me, so they weren't quite as affected, and of course, not too concerned about it. But they agreed it was a different shot.

Anyway.... am curious what the shot will be for tonight. Last night of a very competitive summer league.


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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2008, 10:28:58 PM »
OK, John P.    I get kinda confused sometimes trying to make folks understand that the dull balls aren't the answer.   In fact, I have a hard time trying to understand where a "dull" or  "particle" ball might be of some use.

1) A speed dominant bowler who needs a little extra grip.

2) A dull ball can be used to create some burn up to create better carry.

3) Good for over/under or "over walls" - way too much oil inside compared to way too much dry outside.

4) A little surface is great for calming down flying back ends.

Shall I go on, or am I boring you with more useful information that was obtained after 1950?
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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2008, 10:35:21 PM »
If you don't tuck your pinky on your normal release, do it when you see heavier oil.  I have no hand, but that is my oil release and it works well.
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