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Author Topic: discovered oil; not happy!  (Read 3100 times)


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discovered oil; not happy!
« on: August 16, 2008, 04:35:51 PM »
All summer long my house has been skimping on the oil, and having reasonably good speed (average around 17.5-18.0 mph) and not much hand, I simply adjusted by using my older less aggressive balls. Then suddenly, today, they decided to put out a heavy oil pattern.... heavier than anything over the summer or even most of this past fall-winter season, and I hated it.

Yes... adjust adjust adjust, but today the strongest ball I had was my polished Anger, and it was just barely getting to the pocket. When it did, it was russian roulette whether it would be a strong mixing strike, or a flat 8 or 9. And I LOVE that ball. But it wasn't anywhere near enough ball today.

If the shot is like this consistently, I will have to learn to adapt to be able to bowl on it. But changing it like this after months of dryness...even overly dry conditions, really pissed me off, and I have vowed to buy the most aggressive ball designed for the heaviest oil patterns. I am going to put that ball in my locker and maybe only use it once in a blue moon. But I am NEVER again going to spend an afternoon fighting with the lanes to get a decent reaction from my ball like I just did.

This was not a tournament or even league. But I came in today just to keep myself sharp, and instead ended up fighting to bowl scores in the 150-170 range ---- way below my 190-200 average.

I DO realize that if the lanes are flooded, nothing will move, but these were like semi-flooded. Enough dry for the ball to grab eventually, but usually way too late.

Is there a ball ----from any manufacturer, that is almost certain to have some traction in these conditions? Even if I only can use it once every few months, I don't want to ever leave home without it again.



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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2008, 12:39:21 AM »
Vissionary AMB Particle, that is the only true ball meant for floods, it gets some serious traction in oil
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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2008, 12:47:04 AM »
No bowling ball gains traction in true heavy oil, period.  You need to look for a ball that can handle the transition out of the oil and into the dry and reacts consistently from shot to shot.  That being said, I would lean toward an aggressive solid resin ball, like a MoRich LevRg, Roto Grip Cell, or Columbia Resurgence.  You could also go particle since you have good speed, and in that case look for something like a Visionary Centaur AMB, Storm Shift, or Lanemasters Terminator.  I hope this helps, good luck.
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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2008, 12:55:20 AM »
InSite SuperNatural and Visionary AMB Particle are true heavy oilers.
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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2008, 12:55:47 AM »
Get some surface on your anger. If it was polished and you can get it to the hole hit it with the 2000 it came at or even 1000. That should give it the needed bite in the oil. You don't need a new ball just some surface.

Edited on 8/17/2008 0:56 AM


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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2008, 01:04:16 AM »
First thing I'll try will be removing the polish and getting my Anger back to it's OOB surface. I liked the ball so much that I had it polished so I could use it more often ---on more conditions. Used it that way for so long, had almost forgotten the original surface was stronger.

Then if that doesn't work (or even if it does), I'll be looking at some of the new stuff mentioned here. I HAVE had good luck with Particle Balls in the past.

Thank you.

John D Davis

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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2008, 03:16:19 AM »
The point of throwing a ball with alot of suface, such as a LevRG or AMB as mentioned is to get the ball moving before it gets to that dry in the back end. The problem is that these balls tend to have a big burn rate. If the pattern you are bowling on is very heavy throughout the hole lane except on the backend then a true heavy oiler wont work, nor a sanded ball wont work either. See the heavy hooking balls are not ment for the backend, but for the midlane. Bowlers will often get on a long pattern and struggle with getting the ball to turn the corner even with some of these big hooking balls as mentioned, and this is because when the ball reaches the spot on the backend it cant make up enough ground due to burning and skidding at the same time.

 A very good example of what I am talking about is one time, I hit a very long pattern and had just drilled up two new balls. One was an Awsome Revs with pin in grip and other was a pin up Awsome Flip. Well of course I did like anyone else would do and try the Awsome Revs because heck, it was meant for oil. Well the ball would get down there and wouldnt have enough backend, and heres the reason.

 If you have a Ball with a shiny suface vs a Ball with a duller surface, the shiny one is going to grab the dry harder... Same way goes with a new tire vs. one thats dull and worn out. The new tire obviously will maintain the road better. Well after a few games of struggling, I went to the Awsome Flip. The ball went the same exact length that the Awsome Revs went due to the volume of oil in the midlane but once it finally reached the backend, it made up way more ground and gave me a good look. I ended up allmost winning the tournament that day...

  All I am trying to say is keep your options open because you will find a ball that will work great on this, and it may not have to be a ball like the AMB or LevRG but a more shiny pearl even... Something that will really come off the Dry hard. Just dont be affraid to make a change in speeds,hand positions, etc. for maybe the next time you hit this pattern, the polished anger may even be the right ball. I hope I have helped in any way, John


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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2008, 08:18:45 AM »
First thing I'll try will be removing the polish and getting my Anger back to it's OOB surface. I liked the ball so much that I had it polished so I could use it more often ---on more conditions. Used it that way for so long, had almost forgotten the original surface was stronger.

Then if that doesn't work (or even if it does), I'll be looking at some of the new stuff mentioned here. I HAVE had good luck with Particle Balls in the past.

Thank you.

If you liked it so much polished, I think you should wait to learn whether or not this oil change is permanent (at least for the coming season), before sanding your Anger duller. It came 2000 grit Abralon. That might be dull enough for your combinaiton of ball speed & rev rate.

If you want an aggressive but relatively inexpensive ball for serious oil, look into the new Ogre Particle. here's a video of it:
FYI Videoballreviews is an excellent place to see COMPARATIVE videos of balls, not just seeing balls in isolation, which tells you nothing.

Oh, another inexpensive but aggressive ball is the Ogre solid itself. With its stock surface it's very good for such high ball speed, lower revs kind of bowler.

FYI These are not huge hooking balls so if you're bowling ego is fragile and you have to cover every board on the lane, these are nto the balls for you. If you want efficient balls that work well for what they are designed, if you want hard hitting balls that Last and Last, try at least one of these Ogres.
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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2008, 08:32:23 AM »
Are you sure they changed the shot or did they maybe change the wicks in the oil machine ?   Sometimes with the new wicks this tends to happen.

Just a thought......


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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2008, 08:46:56 AM »
Thanks John and Charlest,

Actually I do like the reaction of my Anger most of the time, so it might be silly to hastily change it if this pattern was just a freak occurence. Plus... it handled the shot better than anything else I had.

I AM interested in the Ogre.... (and looked at it at And having some variation of Ball Aquisition Syndrome, it doesn't take much to encourage me to buy a new ball.  


Also...thanks, John, for reminding me about some of the drawbacks to a very dull, sanded surface. I did try having my Storm Xtreme sanded once, and it was a disaster. Ball burned up so soon it was exhausting to throw it. When it did arrive at the pins, it was totally spent. That was a very short experiment!

Mostly what I was annoyed about yesterday was that this was my regular house and they had been putting down pretty much the same shot with the same level of oil, and then without warning changed it on a day when it made no sense to do so.

Don't get me wrong...I have a different attitude for tournaments and even for league. Expect the unexpected and deal with as best you can.  But yesterday wasn't supposed to be challenge time. It was my last chance for a lengthy practice session before the winter-fall leagues and tournaments start up. It was a Saturday afternoon, with no leagues or tournaments scheduled and there was no reason to anticipate this change. I should have stopped bowling for the day, as all I ended up doing was practicing making a shot I might not see again for a long time and probably screwing up my regular delivery. But if I ever do see that shot again.... I'd like to be prepared for it.


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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2008, 08:55:34 AM »
Didn't see Spinboy's reply while I was typing mine.

I don't know if they changed the wicks in the oil machine. Someone in our group did ask if there was a different shot that day, and they said no.  So... unless they were deliberately lying (not likely) or just didn't know (not much more likely) you might have something there. There was definitely more oil coming back on the balls. I'll ask later this week and see what they say.

All I know is that everything was under-reacting and that throwing my plastic ball on the shot wasn't that much different than the other stuff. In fact... the lanes were comparatively dry in the middle, so when I would try to stay out of the oil, the balls would crossover to Brooklyn frequently.


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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2008, 10:27:07 AM »
right there, Put money on it that there was a ton of open play on those lanes before which actually made the middles dry A TON and since open bowlers tend to push oil to the outsides also because they arent as accurate, created what would be called a reverse block.
Im so glad people are brainwashed to think that TRACK sucks. And its even funnier when im carrying with my TRACK ball and they're going flat ten with their BRUNSWICK ball.


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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2008, 10:45:11 AM »
My local house puts down a heavy shot, heavier than anything I have ever bowled on. Yesterday was when I found a ball that works. A old Columbia 300 Game, it didnt work first shot, so I took the surface to 300, and it worked perfectly. My Twisted Fury is also at 300, but it does not work as well. My No Mercy and Game are the two balls that work best for me, oh yeah, and a Super Charge, best ball,
Ricky Michaels

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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2008, 09:33:54 AM »
I'm curious... Heavy oil, and a no-hander complaining about leaving 8's and 9's?  I'd have expected more 10 pins and/or 5-8, 5-10 leaves in that scenario.  Maybe even a 5-7-10.


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Re: discovered oil; not happy!
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2008, 01:07:47 PM »
Sorry... poor wording on my part.

I meant 8 and 9 counts I was leaving. Not the 8 and 9 pins.

Surprisingly enough (or maybe not so much), I leave lots of 8 pins and 8-10 splits when my ball DOES have traction. Not the case this past Saturday.

Plenty of 10 pins, but a general assortment after that as I kept changing speeds, positions, targets, loft, etc...