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Author Topic: Do any of these over lap? Help Please  (Read 820 times)


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Do any of these over lap? Help Please
« on: September 14, 2003, 06:09:34 AM »
I am seeing more oil than normal lately....I need a particle ball to say the least....something that is pretty smooth but has a nice strong continuous turn to the hole....something that I can trust that it will come back. No skid flips for oil please. I like to play over the second arrow with a speed of 17 mph and about 250 revs.

I have a line on a Super Carbide Bomb for the soup....then I was thinking about Mutant for my step down, or a Phenom. My next step would be something like a Raging Inferno or a Black Cheery Bomb . Then I have plenty for less oil like my X Factor, Cherry Bomb, Silver Diamond, and a V2 Pearl. Out of the rotation is a Deuce, Ricochet, and a Adrenaline with plenty of games on it.

I know a few oilers will pay for themselves right away, so buy a few will not hurt so bad. Thanks Gom



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Re: Do any of these over lap? Help Please
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2003, 09:30:25 PM »
Just get a black cherry drilled aggressively, sounds like that is all you need.