We play poker and have the "Miss Money" pot.
Poker is $1.00 a game, and a card can be drawn for a spare or strike. If you start stringing strikes you can take two cards until the strike-string is broken. High hand wins.
The Miss Money is el-cheapo, but we like it that way

On a 5-woman team, if we all mark, everyone chips in a dime.
If 4 mark and one has an open, that person chips in a dime.
If all 5 strike, up the ante to a quarter per person.
If 4 strike and the other one spares, only that person pays a quarter and everyone else chips in dimes.
If 4 strike and the other one opens, only that person pays a quarter.
Miss your average -- chip in another dime.
We split the money 5 ways at the end of the year. Usually each person gets back around $30.00. I haven't figured out if it's from good bowling or BAD bowling

White Dot
Queen of the Stone 8 Pinhttp://faldo.atmos.uiuc.edu/FBL/mkting.html