people like me? i don't think so buddy. the people who mess up the approaches are the ones who walk with there sneakers on the approaches. since mostly ever house ,atleast ever house that i have done work at clean the approaches of dust an other objects a simple thing as baby powder doesn't hurt it ..never said anything about silicon or anything else pair of $50 dexters work fine,and oh yes guess what i am serious about bowling, i know people who have old bowling shoes from the 80's who still bowl with them cause they feel its there lucky pair,oh an guess what , they still bowl fine. he could get the 150 pair and still not score,he could also get the 50 dollar pair an still not score, why i said it wasn't important. dexter is a great company doesn't matter what style he gets,as long as he gets the bran name and the reputation that goes along with that bran name.