General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Kid Jete on February 03, 2004, 11:07:29 AM
I'm not talking rentals versus a $150 pair but more like a $50 versus a $150 pair. Is it worth spending an extra $80-$100 for the nicest shoes out there or is the difference small enough to not bother? I want to buy a pair of Dexter SST6's in burgundy because I love the look of them but I really don't know how practical that would be considering the amount I would use them. Should I just go with a $40-$50 pair so I don't have to sell a kidney to get the top of the line model?
Comeback to bowling countdown... 5 days
i dont think that shoes matter...i bought a pair of dexters they werent that expensive,i think what matters most is a timely approch on the lanes,staying square to the foul line and a good release. get the cheaper pair if they stick a little when u slide put some baby powder on ur slide foot...should give a better slide
I believe they do matter, if you are going to bowl in different houses the approaches are never the same,(I use 3 soles& 2 heels). I started with a Dexter tennis shoe style and my left knee was killing me, the pro shop took them back and sold me the Dexter 6's and no knee pain.
I believe it is also how much you bowl, I mean i have bought 2 pair of shoes. A pair of SST5 and a pair of the ABS. For the money they are worth it, I mean they are very comfertable and you get the heels and soles which will also help your balance and approach.
If you want to be the best. You have to beat the best!!!
try bowling in reno in a regular pair of bowling shoes. GOOD LUCK!!
"I only have 3 boards to work with, and they all have arrows on them!!"
Im looking for new shoes to. I want shoes with the replacable soles and heels, because right now I have a pair of $30 shoes that I have a sock over so they slide because they suck so much. What would you suggest for a cheaper pair of these? I dont want to pay $200 for shoes. I mean I dont expect anything for like $50 I know, but I dont want to pay anymore then like $150. If you have any sggestions message me please!
15 years and still going strong! 15 years old that is!
DA DA DAAAAAA!! UP UP AND AWAY! TO THE BAT CAVE ROBIN!The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
AM not A CHICK OF BOWLING but I wanted to be in Manda's clique
i think so, but i am very slide dependant
proper leverage and footing are a very important part of the game
KID .. I've tried a number of different SHOE companies .. I've had problems .. STICKING on the lanes .. I've had the REPLACEABLE SOLES and HEELS .. honestly .. you never know when to make the CHANGE! I finally hit on a shoe from BONANZA FESTIVAL WORLD .. I've been using them (exclusively)for about a year with NO SLIDING PROBLEMS. Got them through Mike Cimba a BR member. If you are having SLIDE problems .. there's another BR member that is involved with SHOE SLIDES (not sure of the proper name) that I've never used .. but I've seen a LOT OF BOWLERS use them SUCCESSFULLY! I think they run under $15 and MAYBE the answer to your question (Are expensive bowling shoes necessary?)
Hit them light and watch them fight
J O E - F A L C O
Edited on 2/4/2004 8:40 AM
Shoes does make a difference and if your serious about bowling go for the $150 dollar pair. When I first went from the $50 pair of shoes to the $150 dollar pair of shoes it was like day and night. On the SST's the soles are wider,you get better control on your slide, the shoes are more confortable,, the exchangable soles will help you on sliding problem. More stable push off from the Goodyear rubber sole. I could go on all day I will stop here. I would never use baby powder on my shoes to fix a sticky approaches, it's not good for the approach it actually ends up sticking to the finisher they use on the approach and makes them stickier, also it don't last very long.
When you're the man, nothing more has to be said!
Shoes are more important than any other part of your game. They are the foundation for where you generate power/leverage. They also have a lot to do with your health including foot and knee problems. A good shoe with a raised heal is a start. Flat bottom shoes tend to drag the whole foot when sliding and cause knee and ankle problems. What starts at your footing goes all the way up throughout your body. We test all over the country and slick synthetics are becoming more common. Even Bowler's Slide Sock may take some maintenance to combat really slick approaches. Interchangeable pads wear down and you do the samething. Scuffing the bottom with a brush lightly or using the carpet in the back area to ruff up a bit helps. Never ever use a foreign substance such as baby powder worse yet something that grabs. One of the most common questions we get is will your product work and fit on the SST6 and the answer YES. Another option for the interchangeable sole shoes!!!
Bowler's Slide Sock: Reduces or eliminates problems with Slick OR Tacky approaches.
How important are shoes? I would much rather bowl in comfortable shoes that match the approach and use a house ball than to bowl with the wrong shoes and a ball that matches the lanes.
Could'nt have word it better.
Good shoes with correct soles gives you much added confidence on your delivery.
"Faulty mechanics makes all balls bad." Bill Hall, BTM Dec. '98
Someone asked about $$. If $200 is a bit steep, look around and see if anyone has last years models out - you can probably pick up a similar shoe for $100-$150 and it'll work just as well. I have some SST 6's, and they're just OK. I really like the adjustable soles and heels, but my old Classic Linds were 100 times more comfortable on my foot. Maybe try on a few different brands and see what you like best before dropping the $.
I think everyone else has said the same, but if your foot slips out from under you, or sticks just once, guess where your mind is - it won't be on hitting your mark and following through. Also, the baby powder thing could get you in a fight - better take a bat to the lanes if you intend to use this method.
people like me? i don't think so buddy. the people who mess up the approaches are the ones who walk with there sneakers on the approaches. since mostly ever house ,atleast ever house that i have done work at clean the approaches of dust an other objects a simple thing as baby powder doesn't hurt it ..never said anything about silicon or anything else pair of $50 dexters work fine,and oh yes guess what i am serious about bowling, i know people who have old bowling shoes from the 80's who still bowl with them cause they feel its there lucky pair,oh an guess what , they still bowl fine. he could get the 150 pair and still not score,he could also get the 50 dollar pair an still not score, why i said it wasn't important. dexter is a great company doesn't matter what style he gets,as long as he gets the bran name and the reputation that goes along with that bran name.
I have had 7 knee operations. If you start putting baby powder on the bottom of your shoes that will not slide properly where do you think it will go when you get on the approach? It will be left on the approach. Then when I get up there with shoes matched up to the approach because it is very important to my well being. What happens to me when I hit your baby powder you have left on the approach? I think the point people are trying to make is if a $10 dollar pair of shoes works for you then good, but with the every changing landscape of things. The approaches will not always be the same. Something changable is fair to everyone and will help with not being injured and being consistant in every house under every condition. It isn't fair to possibly hurt everyone else cause of a desire to go the cheaper route.
I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.
About the baby powder thing. Just try to bowl our traveling league with baby powder. They warn you once! Next time they see you, you have just violated another ABC rule which states intent and they will pull your sanction card in a heart beat.
Bowler's Slide Sock: Reduces or eliminates problems with Slick OR Tacky approaches.
I agree 100% with the POWDER comments . putting it on your shoes effects bowlers that FOLLOW YOU!
I sort of part company with you when you start IMPLYING that cheaper shoes will cause sticking. When the ally is STICKY no matter what the price of your shoes you CAN (not WILL) have problems .. are you MORE LIKELY to have problems because you paid less? .. I find that DIFFICULT to believe. Will the more expensive LAST LONGER .. I would hope so! I find it hard to tell a BOWLER he MUST buy the EXPENSIVE SHOES otherwise he going to have KNEE PROBLEMS! I don't rule out USING SLIDE SOCKS!
Hit them light and watch them fight
J O E - F A L C O
point well taken there Joe. You are on the money there. I should not have said the cheap comment. I mentioned earlier in my comments I don't care how much they pay and I don't. If they make a $10 pair work good for them. Just don't potentionally hurt me.
I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.
/nerd mode on
Rule 12. Approaches Must Not Be Defaced
The application of any foreign substance on any part of the approach that detracts from the possibility of other players having normal conditions is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, such substances as talcum powder, pumice and resin on shoes; also soft rubber soles or heels that rub off on the approach.
/nerd mode off
This subject has come up a few times in league for me. I called Bowling HQ and spoke with one of the rule gurus there, and he said that Easy-Slide is LEGAL to use on shoes, as long as it doesn't bother the other players' sliding conditions. If the bowler using the Easy-Slide refuses to stop using it and it is bothering the other bowlers, then those people have a legit complaint against the Easy-Slide bowler.
White Dot 
It's not the arrow, it's the Indian.
see u can use ez glide but not baby powder. but ur right card, if ur not sticking
it could be harmful to you if your bowling right behind me. people use all sorts of things as a quick fix. some people put chapstick on the outside of there thumb to make it release faster ect ect. the rules should say no u cant use ez glide or baby powder or any susbstance, not u can do it until other people complain about it.
maybe i was wrong to suggest the baby powder as a quick fix cause it could hurt other bowlers. i think the rules should be more permenant then waiting to see if people complain about them.
I'm really surprised, here!!!
Or I missed something.
Because the most important difference that I know of between the $50 shoes and the $150 shoes is the NON SLIDE sole. That next to the last step should be on a firm sole, not a suede sole. With a suede sole, I'm off balance, and can't be stable to get the shot off my hand.
All bowling shoes(except house shoes) used to be made in both right and left hand models. Now, only the more expensive shoes are made that way. I know of some people who wear a sneaker (only used for bowling) on their non slide foot, and if it works, I don't have a problem with it. All my family members that bowl have "handed" shoes. Period. I wouldn't let them bowl any other way.
Well I just got back from the hospital and they gave me just enough for my kidney to get a pair of Dexter SST6 LX. They should be arriving on my doorstep Friday. Hopefully I'm recovered by then so I can try them out.
Comeback to bowling countdown... 3 days
sweet! Good luck kidjete! Don't worry about the cost, they should last a long time.
buddy buddy buddy, if somebody wants to fight me for using baby powder i'm all for it , and i wont need a bat, and if u read wont i last posted i said maybe i was wrong for suggesting it. and i dont think u should be worried about what i get on ur ball buddy, maybe u should take that up with someone else.
oh and i forgot to ad, been bowling for 5 years 2 years in a league plenty og people bowled behind me and before me , they actually saw me put the powder on and SAID NOTHING. WIERD PART IS THAR NOBODY EVER SLIPPED OR FELL.
if somebody tells me ya know i almost fell on the approach, i would switch shoes, or if somebody saw me with the powder an said u could please not use it i wouldnt.
i'm sportsman i understand . i posted what i posted cause of the response people gave me . i emailed the rules commitee i wanna see what they say. i'll post the reply when they mail me back.
that statement is compared to asking if golf shoes matter. Yes it does cheap shoe don't give you the range needed if you are going to bowl in multiple houses.
Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!