To answer your question - absolutely.
It was kinda brought home to me last week in my handicap league.
Although I usually outaverage the other women in the league by a fair amount, they have all known me for the past 6 years, and aren't easily impressed any more.

We have a couple of new teams this year. We bowled one of those teams last week.
The highest average on the team is 166 - from one of the men. The two women average 131 and 142.
I shot 170 something my first game. Both women turned to me and congratulated me on a really nice game. I thanked them, although not very enthusiastically.
A couple of minutes later, they told me "we just looked at your average. Now we understand why you weren't thrilled with that last game."
In my other two leagues, both scratch, I'm low with 200 something for the year. For the first two weeks of the Wednesday league, however, I'm high on the team, with +14 for 6 games. Sigh. Our team entering average was 843.
If winning isn't important,
why do they keep score?
Vince Lombardi