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Author Topic: Do i really need a ball for every lane condition?  (Read 2323 times)


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Do i really need a ball for every lane condition?
« on: January 02, 2004, 05:47:09 AM »
this post is long, bear with me please, lots of questions too.

I have been reading a lot of messages on this site. Messages like "Check out my arsenal" etc, and people post what ball they use on what type of surface.

I was thinking of starting to go this route, but don't want to lug 5 or 6 bowling balls around.

Last week i went back to my old bowling alley for a 2nd time. I noticed that my ball wasn't reacting very well on the backend and coming up with some soft pocket hits or missing the head pin altogether. I always clean my ball weekly with Ebonite Powerhouse ball cleaner. I always wipe the ball after every shot with a microfiber towel.  These lanes are known for being medium to heavy oil, but the week before at the same place I didn't have any problem getting my ball to hook well on the backend just prior to hitting the pocket.  My ball is an old Ebonite Gyro Blue. this thing is 13 years old.

I am sure lane conditions vary somewhat at any particular bowling alley. Time of the day has a lot to do with it I am sure. I went late at night the 2 times i visited.  I know they oil up the lanes in the morning before the first league session, but shouldn't they dry out somewhat by 9pm or 10pm at night? Whats the best way to figure out the lane conditions? Ask people who bowl there? Ask the guy behind the counter?

First off, i was thinking of having four ball arsenal. One for dry to light oil, one for medium oil, and one for heavy oil, and then a spare ball. Does this sound like a good idea?

All comments welcome



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Re: Do i really need a ball for every lane condition?
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2004, 09:00:59 PM »
I fall into the trap of getting specific balls. I have too many. if I spent the money on lessons and mastered 2 releases I would only 4 balls for 90% of what I would see.

I would drill up strong aysymetrical balls when possible. I would drill them all with the same pin/mb layout. 60 degs. that way I come up it to get more midlane roll and around it for more backend.

 Warp zone
 Time Zone
 and some pearl ball for light oil. sling blade  or slayr

but with my limited skill set I buy balls to keep me playing bewteen 15 to 5.

PBA bowler, I can see 12 easy.

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-- William Munny
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
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Re: Do i really need a ball for every lane condition?
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2004, 09:44:39 PM »
I can hit spares easily with my Ebonite Gyro pretty easily. Corner pins are no problem. I could use that as my light to medium oil ball and spare ball.  Then get a ball for medium to heavy oil.

I was looking at these balls for medium to heavy oil.

Ebonite Vortex II Strong Blue/Royal
Brunswick Warp Zone
Hammer Big Blue Particle

Any of these any good?


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Re: Do i really need a ball for every lane condition?
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2004, 12:01:57 AM »
I could average deuce anywhere with a urethane Black Hammer, as long as I had some 320, 600 and 1000 grit sandpaper, and access to a good Lustre King machine. That's all anyone needs. However, to be competitive with such a limited arsenal, you would need to be EXTREMELY accurate, master about 3 different releases, and have the speed control of Walter Ray Williams. It can be done, but why make life difficult? It isn't that much hassle to lug around a 3 ball roller and a 2-ball tote.
If I was limited by rules, I could survive with a 3 ball arsenal. I would take my polished Warp Zone, my tame drilled Time zone, and probably force a Power Groove to do double duty as a light oil and spare ball.


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Re: Do i really need a ball for every lane condition?
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2004, 12:06:35 AM »
4 balls is fine, I have 5, only carry 3. Heavy oil ball, Medium oil ball, and light oil ball wich is also my spare. Though most would take 4, and have 1 for those 3 conditions, and 1 for spares. Its all comfort, if you need a ball for everything, go for it. haha if you got the money for it, be my guest, its prefrence. I only feel that I need 3, well actually I would be on with 1 but, I prefer 3.
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Re: Do i really need a ball for every lane condition?
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2004, 12:21:50 AM »
punkrawk77, A lot of the guys and gals on this forum are tournament bowlers. After a four to eight game qualifier, then a three to four game semi, then a stepladder final, you are going to bowl through a huge transition in lane conditions. Depending on your skill level you can adjust your speed, how deep you play and your release but for a lot of bowlers doing all these things can take then out of there comfort zone. I would much rather make a ball change than chase the oil line past the fourth arrow,increase or decrease ball speed more than two miles per hour or make a major change in my release.

You are lucky if you get more than three to four frames to warm up. You need to choose the ball that reacts best to the lane condition and to your A game. Not knowing what lane condition you will face, you need a fairly wide selection of balls.

League bowling is another story. Most bowling alleys put down a easy light to medium oil shot. In hopes that even the three to six games a week bowler will have a great shot and high scores. Thats good business, the league will come back year after year expecting that high scoring shot.

For your basic league three balls, one being a spare ball is enough. Like Sawbones said we don't know your style of bowling. Myself, I prefer balls that arch opposed to snap. A lot less fun but a lot more consistent.          


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Re: Do i really need a ball for every lane condition?
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2004, 05:45:26 PM »
I don't bowl in any leagues. I do however go to 4 different bowling alleys off and on at various times of the day or night. Whenever there aren't any leagues going on.

I carry a 177 average. I tend to get a lot of 9 pin hits mostly. I would do well in a 9-pin no tap tournament. I guess thats getting off topic.

What kind of shot do i have? I really don't know. I don't know how to describe in technical terms where i stand, but i shoot 2nd arrow. Sometimes I shoot a board or two to the left of second arrow. Sometimes I shoot the 9 or 8 board. Sometimes on my strike ball if i am coming up short i stand more to the right so it will make it to the pocket.

How fast do i throw?  Beats me.  How do you find this out? I don't throw really fast, if i did my ball would never hook. It would straighten out and not do anything. If i throw too slow it hooks like mad, but seems to run out of oomph by the time it hits the pins.

I am still learning the technical aspects of this sport. Where ever i bowl it usually takes me a game to figure out where i need to stand, what mark i need to hit, and how fast or slow to throw the ball.

On most alleys my ball will have a sharp hook or snap at the end prior to hitting the pocket. I figured that i finally found an alley where my ball won't do this. So I figured it was time to get a ball first off that works better in heavier oil conditions.


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Re: Do i really need a ball for every lane condition?
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2004, 07:18:49 PM »
I also figured that I have been using the same Urethane ball for 13 years maybe its time for a new ball.

I have thought about hiring a coach. My biggest fear in getting a coach is that he or she will have me do too many changes at once and that it will be like starting from scratch.

Before i do that, i am looking into getting some bowling VHS tapes. Anything to give me some information on all aspects of the game.


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Re: Do i really need a ball for every lane condition?
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2004, 07:31:11 PM »
You should also go talk to the proshop where you bowl.  Show them what you have and ask them to watch you throw a couple balls and have them make some suggestions.


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Re: Do i really need a ball for every lane condition?
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2004, 07:39:59 PM »
I am definetly not the type of person who gets sucked into marketing hype and has to have the latest ball out there to throw the biggest hook on the alleys.

Thats just not me.

I started bowling at age 14(1991). Stopped bowling at age 19(1996). Started up again in summer of 2002 for a few months. Somehow lost interest. Started bowling again in October of 2003 and have been up until January of this year. I bowl twice a week anywhere from 10-14 games per week usually.