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Author Topic: Do Pro Shops do this in your area...  (Read 1473 times)


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Do Pro Shops do this in your area...
« on: August 27, 2004, 06:32:01 AM »
Do pro shops in your area not order new releases for stock, because they still have last months ball in the window??...I see a lot of pro shops in my travels,..and I've asked them if thay have ball so-in-so in yet...and more often than not, they won't order the new stuff, 1. until someone specifically orders one, 2. or they sell the older slower moving models...Is that fair to the consumer or the company..?  Or is it fair to the pro shop to try and keep up with the floods of new balls....



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Re: Do Pro Shops do this in your area...
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2004, 02:39:11 PM »
inventory = capital investment.

many succesful companies are using on demand stock or zero stock systems for today's economy.

in such a low volume businesses with the rate of product experation. I can't see how they can afford to the latest and greatest.
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Re: Do Pro Shops do this in your area...
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2004, 02:45:22 PM »
You can’t keep up with all the releases from all the companies.

We were in a program with one manufacture to get seed balls of their new releases so for that particular manufacture we did get all the new releases.

We tended to feature about 3 manufactures on our shelves. The others we would get new releases in if they appeared to fit a niche that other balls did not cover.

Lastly we would fill in with a few balls that our sources told us were superior products or we saw them in use and appeared to be a superior product.

Otherwise we would wait and order the ball if someone wanted it. It was a one to two working day wait depending on when it was ordered.

In other words, we kept a full line of one manufacture in stock including new releases. Two other manufactures we had a couple of their premium balls and mid range balls. We had a few (3 or less) balls from other manufactures that came recommended. And we would custom order as needed.


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Re: Do Pro Shops do this in your area...
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2004, 02:51:19 PM »
I talk to my local guys and what a tough call on what to stock,..or in their case what to get stuck's getting to where having to order your ball from the pro shop or internet is almost the norm...


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Re: Do Pro Shops do this in your area...
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2004, 02:59:51 PM »
The pro shop I go to usually has the up-to-date Ebonite and Hammer equipment.  If you want something else you have to have them order it.  The pro shop I used to go to had older stuff (at least 1 year).  He was a smaller shop that relied on customer service, and he was a really good ball driller.  Unfortunately, with the economy the way it was, he shut down a few years ago.


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Re: Do Pro Shops do this in your area...
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2004, 03:23:31 PM »
My pro shop keeps pretty up-to-date on Brunswick, Columbia, Ebonite, Hammer, Storm and Track -- they have most of the other companies, but these are the most prevelant in our area.  Unfortunately for me, their Roto stuff was a couple months behind for a while.  Stopped in at the end of July and they had the Oracle and Super Sonic already which was kind of a shock!!  They've told me they're the 4th or 5th largest ball supplier in the country, so I imagine that's why they have at least one ball of most of the models available.


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Re: Do Pro Shops do this in your area...
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2004, 12:02:00 AM »
The center I use to manage we would have a few balls on hand. If we thought a ball would be a good seller we would order to have that in stock. Sometimes that would not work out and we would end up with a lot of that ball left in stock. Since most suppliers can get you your order within 2 days out to you more and more places have gone to order as needed. My brother runs a center in a small town, He has some on hand but if somebody wants something different just orders it in. Sometimes works out for the good but if somebody wants it that day it hurts. With the constant release of equipment unless you are a big proshop and move a lot of balls it is hard to keep everything updated.
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Re: Do Pro Shops do this in your area...
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2004, 02:01:39 AM »
Our pro shop buys exclusively from CBS. (Complete Bowling Supply)

They manage to stock all the new balls in a few, popular weights.
If the shop feels no one is buying, they send the ball back and bring in something else. They get full credit for returns.

CBS has a weekly delivery. They deliver the balls every Tuesday. I beleive they can also ship UPS.

CBS also has a very good return policy. Their prices are a little higher but with drilling, I only pay a little more than internet prices.

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Re: Do Pro Shops do this in your area...
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2004, 02:32:05 AM »
Well, in my neck of the woods, there are two shops, the one I run and the one I don't My shop is located in the basement, and we have no real place to display stock, so we don't stock anything. We order each piece of equipment on an at-need basis. Our distributors get orders to us in 2 business days, so it's not a big deal to most of our customers.
 The other shop stocks plastic balls in various weights, and whatever older performance equipment the distributors are closing out. If someone wants something newer, they do what I do. It just doesn't pay to try to stock the new releases, especially in areas with relatively low population densities, like up here.
