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Author Topic: Do Reactive balls DIE like Particle balls???  (Read 2156 times)

Ric Clint

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Do Reactive balls DIE like Particle balls???
« on: December 31, 2003, 09:09:38 AM »
We all know that most Particle balls do die around the 75-100 game mark, but what about Reactive balls?

Can anybody on here say that they've still got a V2, Savage, Reactive Tornado, X-Factor, Scream R, etc... can anybody say that they've got one of these balls with 200-500 games and that the ball is still going just as strong as the day they got it???



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Re: Do Reactive balls DIE like Particle balls???
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2004, 12:10:37 AM »
Yea, reactives die out, not many of them do, but has happened.
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Re: Do Reactive balls DIE like Particle balls???
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2004, 09:58:35 AM »
I have many reactive balls and they range between 500-1500 games.  They still work very well for me.


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Re: Do Reactive balls DIE like Particle balls???
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2004, 02:53:44 PM »
Reactives probably lose a touch of their grabbiness or snap less/arc a bit more over time.  I think the difference in overall hook is less pronounced with reactives, but the hook shape changes a bit more than when compared to particles.

I certainly wouldn't say all or most particles die after 75-100 games.  The super aggressive ones probably lose more pop then their less aggressive cousins.  For many people, the first generation TEC (Chaos series) balls died hard and fast.  The newer particles last quite a few games if cared for properly.

I've never had a reactive ball die on me.  When I threw 16#, I had a Combat Zone and a Nighthawk M2 with well over 500 games each.  Without having a new ball from the same batch waiting to be drilled to make a direct comparison, I can't prove they were identical, but I'm pretty sure they were very close.  Now that I'm at 15#, I have another M2 (picked up used, but looked very new), that I've used as my primary ball for 2.5 years (2 leagues summer and winter + 3-6 games of practice a week).  It might not be identical to a new one, but it still hooks and hits great.
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Re: Do Reactive balls DIE like Particle balls???
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2004, 03:23:41 PM »
When reactives bowling balls were first released......the X-calibur, then the purple Rhino the companies pretty much told everyone that they were throw away balls. This was told to a friend of mine back then when he purchased the ball. The pro shop operator told him that the companies said after 100 games they can significantly lose reaction.

With that said, I have never had a reactive or particle die on me. I had every ball in the Chaos series, my dad has a black chaos with over a 1000 games and is still going strong.

I think that reaction out of a bowling ball is simply on the shoulders of the owner. Keep it clean, get it resurfaced when needed and you will be fine.
Carl Hurd

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Re: Do Reactive balls DIE like Particle balls???
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2004, 03:52:42 PM »
I have a Trauma ER that's lost a lot of reaction, even with cleaning and resurfacing.  A buddy of mine has an original X-calibur that has about 500 games on it and it's still going strong.


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Re: Do Reactive balls DIE like Particle balls???
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2004, 04:18:34 PM »
I have never had a ball die. Go into a coma, yes, but a session in intensive care (resurfacing, rejuvenator), is generally enough to bring it back.
I have an original Danger Zone that's still going strong. My original Speed Zone didn't die - but I retired it out of respect, after approx. 1500 or so games, 3 resurfacings, and 2 or 3 rejuvenations.

Of course, I've not had a particle ball die, either - including my ONE columbia ball - that everyone claims should suffer TEC death.

Of course, cleaning them religiously helps a lot.

My Smash/R has a lot of games on it too - I can see the lack of reaction if I don't clean it. But give it a deep cleaning, and it's good to go.
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Phillip Marlowe

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Re: Do Reactive balls DIE like Particle balls???
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2004, 06:46:59 PM »
Yep, they do.  More than most of us think.  If you want proof, take a ball with about 300 games on it and drill up a NIB with the same pattern.  You will see a very different reaction, especially if you are looking for snap.  Some balls are better than others, but I have had a number of reactives become less aggressive than plastic, believe it or not...and some of my buddies didn't until they tried to throw the stuff.  Everything wears out, it varies from ball to ball and from coverstock to coverstock.
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Re: Do Reactive balls DIE like Particle balls???
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2004, 06:52:45 PM »
I've got a V2 Sanded (one of the original ones) with about 300 games on it and it still performs well. Drilled label leverage for a nice smooth arc, no snap and it still arcs the same as new. Or at least I think it does. It has seen Doc's Magic Elixer, cleaned religiously and resurfaced once.
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