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Author Topic: Do these words about SOB still hold true?  (Read 9428 times)

Mighty Fish

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Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« on: July 04, 2011, 09:31:55 PM »
The so-called System of Bowling was unveiled 20 years ago, and I commented on its progress in a column six years later.

Don't the words expressed in that 1997 column still ring true today?



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Re: Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2011, 10:24:45 PM »
At the time the system of bowling was implemented, the ABC was technologically behind the curve.  The resin ball was just being introduced, and nobody foresaw the impact the new ball surface would have on oil.  The key element of the rule ( there had to be at least 3 units of oil on the outside boards ) was a decent effort that probably would have had some impact on high scoring were it not for the introduction of resin. 


The interesting thing is that today the tide has turned, and most competive scratch bowlers prefer and often demand to play on flatter patterns.  In the days prior  to the SOB ( short oil ), the oil pattern would totally determine what style of player would win in tournament settings.     




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Re: Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« Reply #32 on: July 14, 2011, 12:51:59 PM »
Totally agree Bob. I have an old bowling buddy of mine who threw with Robert Smith type speed and revolutions back in the day. A couple of people used to always says that if they ever let em hook, no one would be able to keep up with him. LDD comes along and he goes from 210 ish to 230+ and throwing honor scores like they grew on trees.
I really was looking forward to the potential challenge the SOB might have brought. I was just starting to get my fundamentals down enough to average in the 210-215 range including my traveling league at the time when it was put into play.

"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 82? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro-Shop staff -Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH

Mighty Fish

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Re: Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« Reply #33 on: July 16, 2011, 01:17:06 PM »
The 3-unit rule ... what a joke. Let's go back to 1991 when the rule was unveiled and see what some of the game's movers-and-shakers said then:

DAROLD DOBS, ABC Executive Secretary-Treasurer: "Our goal has always been to put the emphasis back on the skill of the bowler and not on technology."

DAN SPERANZA, ABC Equiment Specifications Manager: "What we found is that 3 units is enough to keep the ball riding on top of the oil and off of contacting with the lane surface. It's like hydroplaning, and this reduces the steerability of the ball. The difference in the amount of oil from zero to 3 units is a drastic change in the hook distance of a ball, but when you get to 3 units, the change to 10 units or 60 units is virtually unnoticeable."

FRED BORDEN, renowned coach: " The units of oil on the outside will slow down the high-revving, cranking game where the bowlers power up the ball to the outside dry boards and roar back into the pocket. If you throw the shot out to the dry boards and it comes roaring back, that is unfair to the bowler. His eyes will be telling him that he was really bowling good when he wasn't. If you throw that same shot with 3 units of dressing, you will leave the bucket or the washout."

Well, those "experts" were WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, weren't they? And even if you say that the modern-day atomic balls changed things dramatically, WHY IS THAT SAME 3-UNIT RULE STILL IN EFFECT?

Sunshine n Lollipops

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Re: Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« Reply #34 on: July 17, 2011, 09:51:46 AM »
What exactly is your problem, Fish?  You are the epitome of the old saying "Those who can, do.  Those who can't, write or teach!"  YOU say the experts were wrong.  Why don't you enlighten us with what you were proposing at the time.  Let me see now, who should I listen director ABC who has done tests on the oil, Fred Borden whose one of the most respected coaches of all time, or a writer for the local fishwrap?  At least these guys stuck their necks out and actually proposed something and put their names to it.  Wow, your twenty-twenty hindsight is just amazing.     

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  

Bill Thomas

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Re: Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« Reply #35 on: July 17, 2011, 10:33:58 AM »
Seems to me that all MF is saying is that, given what we have seen happen with the 3 unit rule, what these experts thought would happen was really wrong.  IMO, all the 3 unit rule did was legalize lane blocking.  Any lane man who knows anything can put out a wall adhering to the 3 unit rule and it is perfectly legal under the "System of Bowling".  Even Roger Dalkin says he thought the 3 units was too little but he didn't fight it. 

The Bowling Pariah

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Re: Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« Reply #36 on: July 17, 2011, 11:48:42 AM »
Mighty Fish,


 As has been the "norm" for the last 25 years in the bowling world, those "officials" far underestimated the impact that technology was having, and would have, going forward from that point.


 Given the equipment of that time, they were not far from correct, but equipment didn't stay "static" as the rules did, and that made the rules obsolete very quickly. Three units of oil is a lot of oil to a ball like a Yellow Dot or a Black Hammer, but balls like the VirtualGravity Nano will eat that for an appetizer. Three unit rule was designed correctly for the time it was derived, but the leaders, ABC/USBC, failed to see or understand just how quickly it had been circumvented. It is easy to see how, when you consider that ball technology moved more from 1990(When the SOB was derived) to 1993(When resin became available widely) than it had in the previous 50 years. How could they possibly had known what was coming?


  Somewhere along the line, the SOB seems to have simply been forgotten about. There were several tenets involved in that, but here are the four you mentioned.

(A) hold the friction allowable on lane surfaces at the level of the synthetic lanes manufactured in 1991.

 I have no idea if this has been adhered to or not. Without the cooperation of lane manufacturers, and production checks made by ABC/USBC officials, this one would be hard, if not impossible, to enforce.

 (B) follow the existing procedures for testing pins, which include checking specifications and lab and field testing for scoreability.

 This probably was done. Problem is, the existing procedures did not show much difference in results of pins prior to that date and after that date. They should've developed NEW procedures that allowed for the pre and post differences.

 (C) restrict balls to not being able to hook more, and strike more, than those on the market in 1991.

 This one is a total and abject failure. Part of that failure was the testing procedures which only measured raw coefficient of friction and coefficient of restitution (COF and COR). It didn't allow for HOW the friction was produced, nor did it allow for the new balls ability to "track flare" by the manipulation of the balls differential.

 (D) require a minimum of 3 units of dressing across each lane for any distance the lane is dressed.

 Like I said, three units is a LOT of oil to an LT-48 or a Black Angle, but when balls went from pure friction to flaring tracks and absorption rates, three units became little more than a laughingstock among rules. Even the entry level balls of today handle more oil than the most aggressive urethane ever made. Evidence this by the Ebonite Cyclone winning both the senior open and the womens open championships.


 Problem is, times HAVE changed. Pandora's box has been opened, the horses are out of the barn, and the cats out of the bag. You can take steps to get things a bit more back to "normal", but you can NEVER go back to the way it was "back when". You now have an entire generation of bowlers participating that have NEVER known it any other way. People that started bowling 15 years ago may have never thrown anything BUT a resin ball, and have never been told that a plastic ball was for anything other than spares. Perception=Reality, and if it is the greater majority's perception that this is the way bowling is supposed to be, then this is the way it WILL be.
The Ancient Evil Survives!

Mighty Fish

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Re: Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« Reply #37 on: July 17, 2011, 02:39:57 PM »
Dear Sunshine and Lollipops:


So just what does YOUR "20-20 hindsight" tell you? Has the System of Bowling been a success?


And perhaps you should have listened to ME. I was opposed to the SOB from the get-go, and I stated so in bowling columns and voted against such rules changes AS A DELEGATE to the ABC national convention, even though my positions didn't prevail. [The column that started this thread was only affirming the positions I had taken six years earlier].


I was RIGHT while those other "experts" have been proven WRONG.

Sunshine n Lollipops

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Re: Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« Reply #38 on: July 17, 2011, 09:20:47 PM »
Aha, the crux of the matter.  You were right, everybody else was wrong.  Do you even bowl or are you just a gadfly constantly buzzing in the ear of anybody near you about how things should be and complain about how they are?  Why did you write about bowling since it is evident that you don't like a thing about it and seem to have no respect for anybody who bowls today?  Just to complain?


Please tell me what sport has stood in the way of technology.  Name one.  Guarantee you can't.  

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  
Edited by Sunshine n Lollipops on 7/17/2011 at 9:24 PM

Mighty Fish

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Re: Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« Reply #39 on: July 18, 2011, 02:04:12 PM »
Dear Sunshine n Lollipops:


I note that you didn't attempt to reply as to whether or not the System of Bowling has been a success or a failure. All you do is complain about MY opinions? Why is that? Are you ASHAMED of your own viewpoints on the situation ... OR are you reluctant to admit that you AGREE WITH WHAT I WROTE?


You may be pleased to know that although I bowled for more than 50 years, I was forced to the sidelines several years back (as the result of dislocated toes and multiple foot surgeries). And you note that I "complain" a lot while you continue to repeatedly COMPLAIN about me. Why do my words annoy you so much? Perhaps are you a USBC official or a proprietor who complains about what I write while knowing deep down that I am right.


Going back to my column about the System of Bowling, you strongly criticize what I wrote. BUT DO YOU TAKE ISSUE WITH THE COMMENTS MADE BY ALL THE OTHERS I QUOTED IN THE ARTICLE? Or do you just want to criticize me (to serve whatever purpose you feel the need to aim your venom at me)?


And I don't just complain. I have served as a league officer on no less than 60 occasions, and I have publicized area bowling for more than three decades via bowling columns. Further, I have submitted more than a half-dozen amendments and proposals that have been adopted into the ABC/USBC rule books. I also completely rewrote by local association's bylaws to make them in compliance with ABC rules and regulations (and I was commended by ABC officials for doing so). I also served on a local bowling council, and I was a charter member of the board of directors of the Florida West Zone Bowling Association. I have written articles that have been published in national magazines, PBA yearbooks and other venues, and I have received national bowling-writing awards. I was also extremely instrumental in prompting numerous changes within my local association, helping turn the local association from a joke to a well-functioning organization.


So what have you done for the betterment of bowling?

Sunshine n Lollipops

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Re: Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« Reply #40 on: July 18, 2011, 03:14:16 PM »
I don't go on internet forums running the sport of bowling down and doing nothing but complaining about it.  You and others on here have an axe to grind with USBC because they have done things differently than how you wished.  You might have done all those things in the past but somewhere you soured.  You crossed the line and got banned/censured, whatever you want to call it, from your local association as well as another bowling site (your protests to the contrary not withstanding) .  Not a single serious bowler has agreed with your points.  That should tell you something.  Sure, you have the right to post them, I have the right to keep on pointing out the absurdity of them.


As far as the system of bowling, who cares what I think?  That is what the governing body, proprietors, and manufacturers have embraced.  You and all the other whiners on here won't either.  Either adapt or quit the game.     But for God's sake, quit bitching about how you don't like it like a spoiled kid not getting their way.


I am done with this topic.  Nothing to see here.  There never was.

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  

Mighty Fish

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Re: Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« Reply #41 on: July 18, 2011, 03:33:06 PM »
Dear Sunshine n Lollipops:


So, in essence, you"re going to "take your marbles and go home"? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.


If I have an "axe to grind" (as you say) with USBC, it is only because of the national organization's frequent lack of following its own rules and/or denying due process to member bowlers.


And what do you mean what I was "banned/censured" by my local association? Why don't you contact Terry Wood, the current association manager, and ask him what he thinks about me? Ask Mr. Wood if he considers me a positive or a negative person within my bowling community.


And just how did I supposedly "cross the line" and allegedly get barred from anothe bowling site? Do you care to name that site AND provide verification and/or evidence that I was barred? It's easy to SAY that I was barred. I maintain I'VE NEVER BEEN BARRED from any bowling site, but you claim I have, so where is your PROOF that I have been barred?


Further, all you seem to want to do in this thread is to discredit me? By your own words, you don't care to comment about YOUR OPINION about the System of Bowling ... but you repeatedly want to criticize WHAT I HAVE TO SAY about it. [It sounds as if you are actually the chronic complainer that you attempt to make me out to be].


Again ... I already told you that I had to withdraw from on-the-lanes competition due to three foot surgeries. It had nothing to with "adapting" to the game. And if, indeed, you are "done with this topic" (as you claim), thanks for your comments. Have a good evening.


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Re: Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« Reply #42 on: July 18, 2011, 03:56:01 PM »
It is a waste. Sunboy is all over the place from one complaint to the next. Stop whining and adapt, just because a local center(s) threaten to ban you for contacting USBC you shouldn't quit what you were doing. You should maybe volunteer to help out your local USBC organization ect ect.
He has no opinion on this because what ever USBC comes up with he blindly follows. If you think the USBC is right in everything they do, great. Many others don't agree with you. Yes they will continue to b*tch because not everyone likes to roll over and take it.

Be good, or be good at it.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.

Sunshine n Lollipops

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Re: Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« Reply #43 on: July 18, 2011, 07:56:30 PM »
Well, well.  One of the biggest whiners recognized himself and checked in.  The man who bitches about the building the USBC is in, how they don't give out as many patches and magnets, and almost got him kicked out of his local house.....need I say more?  The one and only kidlost.  Better get a grip, kid, you sound as bitter as the fishwrap. Roll over and take it?  That's exactly what you did when the local house got tough with you.  Rolled over and gave up. Practice what you preach.  You certainly talk a good game, kid.  Truly an apropo moniker for one such as you.



Take my marbles and go home, Fishwrap?  There is no "game" to leave when you are involved.  You're just a washed up hack writer with no forum to bring up your antiquated views.  "System of Bowling, success or failure?"  Who the hell but an old fossil like you even brings up that antiquated term from twenty years ago?  You go on writing these "provacative"  posts.  I have better things to do with my time like actually go bowl instead of talking about it.  Like I said, you were to found to be an intolerable pest on and you are certainly living up to your reputation on here. 

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  
Edited by Sunshine n Lollipops on 7/18/2011 at 7:59 PM


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Re: Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2011, 02:03:27 AM »
You can  regurgitate what others post but have little to no substance other wise. Yes I did take it from a local center after USBC stabbed me in the back. I took it else where and never looked back. Yawnnnnn, go back to what you know, b*tching about others post without having an opinion of your own.

Be good, or be good at it.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.

Sunshine n Lollipops

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Re: Do these words about SOB still hold true?
« Reply #45 on: July 19, 2011, 03:44:57 AM »
It's ball whores like you, kid, who help to demolish the system of bowling.  By providing a market for the latest hook in a box of the week, you and your fellow ball whores encourage the manufacturers to run amok when it comes to covers and cores.  Bravo.  You're batting 1.000 when it comes to bringing down the sport.   

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.