Of course I am here for the conversation. Personal jabs only hurt feelings, and sidetrack anything that might've been constructive.
That being said, we are obviously trying to discuss a topic that we will NEVER see in the same light, because you cannot seem to get over how this is now a science, and how perfect the system is becoming because of the great minds working on it, while I'm trying to tell you that that very science, and the need for it in the first place, is OVERKILL on a MASSIVE scale, and should never have been made necessary, at least not nearly to the degree that it is.
You talk about needing precise input to calculate precise results, thing is, we are ALL human, and NOBODY is that precise. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a human to perform within such detailed and minute parameters.
You talk about ball manufacturers producing balls with the highest scoring potential within the bounds of the rules, and I agree. THE RULES ARE ONE THING I DISAGREE WITH STRONGLY. They should've been much stricter and much more restrictive, but they weren't. And, the ball companies could care less about the "scoring pace", they're only interested in lining their pockets by over inflating the artificial market that they created. They don't care if you SCORE, only that you BUY.
And conditions. Yes, conditions should've kept up with technology, but to now have two different factions (sport and recreational) of bowlers is ridiculous. ALL BOWLING SHOULD BE DONE ON EQUITABLE LANE CONDITIONS THAT ARE THE SAME FOR ALL.
I don't believe the ball companies intentionallt targetted the lower level bowlers initially, but that is where the great majority of the market sprang from, so that is the sector they soon started to target and model for, and sell to, and those factors have worked together to get us the results we see today. As for the pros, what choice do they have with the way things are. I have no argument that the new stuff performs at a superior pace, what I'm saying is that that uplifted pace is far more than was ever needed, and far too technical for the average bowler. Even the pros now have special "ball reps" whose job it is to follow the pros around and figure out their ball problems for them, something few, if any, amatuers has.
No, I'm not talking about going THAT far back (but it would be ok), what I'm talking about is limits that should be put in place, FAR stricter than what we have now. Cut the differential limits in half, going toward the high end, and set tight limits on the core dynamics with MB limits in the .020 range for the max. Limit frictional capabilities of coverstocks to about half of what it currently is, and limit oil absorption capabilities to significantly lower levels.
And don't stop there. MANDATE AND ENFORCE LANE CONDITIONS. U.S.B.C. always claims that they certify lane playing conditions, but that is hogwash, and you know it. Have an upper limit of 4:1 ratio.
And KILL THESE EMPTY, HOLLOW, EASILY KNOCKED OVER PINS. Bring them up to 4lbs and remove all voids.
Sadly, I know these things will never happen. The horse is out of the barn, and too many people would suffer and go broke if it did now. Thing is, it should've happened back when it still could've, and it just didn't, so now weve ended up with this over complicated, artificially inflated, self fulfilling environment we have now.