Just to cover the opposite side of the spectrum, are higher scores what we really want? Currently, one house I bowl at has vigorous bracket activity (doubles and singles). I never hear of anything less than 500 winning the doubles. Usually it is around 525-550, and singles cannot be won with less than 279. Maybe the lowest I ever heard of winning was 269.
Therefore, do we want technology to keep improving to the point where the first time you leave that 10 pin, you're done for the day - just pack your stuff up and go because you're not even going to cash? Seriously, 260 pins plus per man to win in doubles, every night, for 36 weeks? We are in our 3rd week of bowling, and already I have witnessed 2 300 games (at different houses, but still). At this pace I will see 24 "perfect" games this season - and we wonder why a 300 game is not as big a deal as it used to be.
Don't get me wrong, I love competition, and if the next guy outbowls me fine, I got beat. But... At what point do we decide enough is enough and initiate some rules that will limit scoring for the sake of making bowling well a challenge again? Or will we sit idly and let the scoring get to the point that awards are handed out like stickers in a kindergarten classroom?
Why, WHY won't the last one just fall?? It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!