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Author Topic: Do you bowl in a 20+ point head to head league?  (Read 1634 times)


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Do you bowl in a 20+ point head to head league?
« on: April 21, 2009, 05:02:06 AM »
If so, do you have total wood points for the night?

This past season, my men's league slightly changed formats.  Although the league remained a 28-point league, it had been voted that each game would be worth 1 more point and the total team wood for the night went from 3 points to 0 points.  So, games that were formerly worth 7 points are now worth 8 points.

I argued that this was sandbagger's heaven, since if you figured you were out of your individual series wood point for the night and your team was getting its doors blown off that game, that it made sense to dump a game.

I would assume that the format will come to a vote again this end of year meeting where we get our prizes.

I'd appreciate some of your takes on this.  I don't like the "no team wood" thing.  I actually dislike it very much.  Does this put me in the minority?
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Re: Do you bowl in a 20+ point head to head league?
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2009, 01:59:27 PM »
i have never bowled a handicapp league with this format but i bowled a travel scratch league worth 40 points. each bowler match is 1 and the team game is 5 pts. if its scratch then there would be no point to sandbag or throw a game. first because its worth 5 points and second because you arent getting any benfit from it. i like the team game points because it promotes teamwork. if some one is down like 45 going into the 8 or 9th frame he feels like he lost but he could still get pins for the team
HG:300x2(SR300 both)
2004 NYSPHSAA team champions
2007 NYSPHSAA individual high game(300) and series(1411-6 games)
arsenal: sauce rival arch rival dead flush blue vibe scout jazz SR300 plastic
sacred heart university bowling, frosh.
greatest accomplishment:shooting 603 and not shooting one 200 game(130,173,300)
p.s. go leftys


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Re: Do you bowl in a 20+ point head to head league?
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2009, 02:16:50 PM »
Bowl in a 5 man 30 point system for the last 10 years. 5 X 4 individual
points = 20, + 3 individual team game points, plus one series points. Makes
for intersting bowling !
Thirtyclean (Well maybe 29, or 28, most of
the times !)

NY Mike

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Re: Do you bowl in a 20+ point head to head league?
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2009, 02:17:09 PM »
I currently bowl in two match point league formatted identically
the same each game is 4 match points + 3 pts for team game and
4 pts for team high series. 7 +7 +7+ 4 = 25.

I agree no team wood is definitely a dumpers haven.  Someone needs
to draw a clearer picture especially to some of the weaker teams
who get hurt without true handicaps.


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Re: Do you bowl in a 20+ point head to head league?
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2009, 02:24:57 PM »
I bowl in one league like this...7 points per game (1 per man and 2 for team game), no points for total series, 21 points per night.  Several people told me when I joined the league and asked about this that by not awarding total series points that the overall standings keep closer.  But I agree with you though that this becomes a sandbaggers paradise and I have seen this done on many occasions in this league.
Paul Saunders
USBC Bronze Level Coach


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Re: Do you bowl in a 20+ point head to head league?
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2009, 04:19:47 PM »
I bowl in a scratch league head to head one point per match per game one point and two for total at the end of each game and I point for team series no points for individual series wins. But it is scratch.
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  and if their is no death,
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Re: Do you bowl in a 20+ point head to head league?
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2009, 10:58:02 PM »
I bowl man to man. Handicap. 5 man teams. 30 point system.

Each bowler bowls his opposite in the lineup on the opposite team for a point.
Total for the game plus handicap is 4.

5 + 4 = 9. We bowl three game series, so, 9 x 3 = 27.

Grand total with handicap gets 3 points.

27 + 3 = 30.

Handicap + anyone other than me = lame. lol. But, we don't have many people who'd do a scratch league, so I have to deal.


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Re: Do you bowl in a 20+ point head to head league?
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2009, 09:44:34 AM »
i bowl in a 21 points handicap 3 man league. Each man is bowling head to head each game so thats 3 points a game. Then total pins is 3 points for each game. then there is 3 points for overall wood.