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Author Topic: Do you buy a ball because of a PBA telecast?  (Read 3876 times)


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Do you buy a ball because of a PBA telecast?
« on: November 22, 2004, 02:54:26 AM »
Let's say you are a right handed tweener and you see Steve Jaros (who I consider a tweener) ripping up the racks, sending messengers this way and that, throwing this shiny new Dyno-thane ball.

You've never thrown Dyno-thane, but wowee that ball sure looked good!

So have you ever ran out and bought the ball that was on television?  Even if you would have never considered it prior?

Just curious about how much tv effects buyer habits.




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Re: Do you buy a ball because of a PBA telecast?
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2004, 02:53:42 AM »
I am never influenced by that stuff.

This week St Louis, Ricky Lawrence, Maximum Velocity.

Well I did order one of them.

Ummmm last week Walter Ray the Exception well I did order one of them.

but other than that when Walter Ray was on Tv with the Phenom Unleashed, the Icon  and the Icon2 I've never ordered a ball that I saw on TV.


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Re: Do you buy a ball because of a PBA telecast?
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2004, 07:20:56 AM »
PR does sell balls or at least, draw enough interest for customers to ponder. When the companies would only release 2-4 balls a season it was great for sales but in todays ball-a-day release it does rarely help. Another problem is Joe Average bowler can't keep up with the new release and can't tell what the bowler was throwing on TV.


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Re: Do you buy a ball because of a PBA telecast?
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2004, 08:25:51 AM »
twoheadedboy wrote:
aren't pros usually using special tour edition balls anyway?

Technically, they can only use balls which are or will be available to the general buying public.


At this point, I fill holes. I watch reactions out on the lanes for people who already have stuff, read stats to see if it's set up to do what I want out of the box, and read reviews.

To my way of thinking, that is the correct approach.
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Walking E

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Re: Do you buy a ball because of a PBA telecast?
« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2004, 09:07:45 AM »
The only time I bought a ball as a direct result of seeing it on TV was the original Black Hammer. (And then the ball driller had to go and put the Hammer ABOVE the fingers instead of the "correct" pro position with the Hammer on the side - d'oh! Seems insignificant now but it really bothered me at the time!)

Nowadays I pay attention to what they're throwing and then do research on the ball if it looks like something that may suit my game.
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Re: Do you buy a ball because of a PBA telecast?
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2004, 09:08:17 AM »
I've said this before....

I cannot confirm that sales of a certain ball increses after a ball makes the show.  But I CAN confrm that website traffic does.  After Dyno-thane would make a show, the website traffic spikes.  Everytime.

So I know for a fact that television exposure increases a ball's awareness and interest.  How that translates to sales, I am not sure of.


Mr Bass

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Re: Do you buy a ball because of a PBA telecast?
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2004, 02:37:52 PM »
I GOT to get me one of them BAYER spare balls, just like Walter Ray!

Don't you mean Oder Eaters?
"Smokey this is not 'Nam this is bowling, there are rules"

"Maybe those Ebonite balls hit too hard. They're too good" -Jason Couch after leaving a stone 8 pin
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Re: Do you buy a ball because of a PBA telecast?
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2004, 07:47:55 AM »

20 or 30 years ago maybe.  It was cool to see some one throwing the latest Rhino and go out and get one then or maybe an LT-48.  I had 2 blue Tanks when they were the ball of choice on the ladies tour.  Now days it's ho hum about the primary ball.  The spare balls are more interesting.

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Re: Do you buy a ball because of a PBA telecast?
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2004, 08:41:55 AM »
Yes, I think the market over-saturation of new ball releases dilutes the buying process.  Most bowlers I know buy a ball because it's new, not because it was used on a show.  Bowlers are fiercly brand loyal... an approach I largely disagree with.  These are the bowlers that are less analytical in their ball purchases, becuase it doesn't really matter if a ball matches up to them.  They are going to buy it regardless because it is a certain brand.

Additionally, many of the high performance balls being released are too aggressive for Tour conditions.  Many of the Tour boys are throwing mid-level and/or discontinued balls during qualifying but switch to the new releases for the show.

I keep hearing how ball manufacturers are reducing the number of staffers.  That they see less and less return (and increasing costs as the release more balls per year).  But it's a necessity.  Exposure is important.  Television exposure is particularly important to smaller companies like Dyno-thane and Circle Athletics.  

This is a good discussion.


Reality Check

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Re: Do you buy a ball because of a PBA telecast?
« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2004, 10:16:29 AM »
Are the ball manufacturers really making more profit by bringing out so many balls in such a short space of time? Would they no be better served by limiting themselves to less releases in a year, and spending the time and money preparing for the next release and promoting their current one?
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Reality Is.......Working out how to carry the 10, only to start leaving the 7.

Mike Austin

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Re: Do you buy a ball because of a PBA telecast?
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2004, 11:04:37 AM »
From the ball company view, it is just units.  It doesn't matter to them which ball they sell.  As long as they are selling balls.  Total numbers.

My position for a long time has been to slow down the releases.  Give pro shops a chance to get to know the ball and what it can/can't do for their customers.  If the ball is good, the pro shop can sell it and make their customers happy.  

With the extra time between releases, make sure the new ball is actually something new.  Make it do something different than the previous ball.  All the new balls are the same core with a supposedly new formula of PowerKoil, Monsoon, Typhoon, M80+, Super Soaker, blah, blah, blah.....

How much is it really different than the previous balls????  The very large majority of the purchasing public wouldn't know the difference even if I told them.  Their skill level is not high enough to take advantage of ActivatorPlus.......

(I'm not picking on any one company, the names above are the first ones that came to mind, the Dr. Pepper hasn't take effect yet)

Mike Austin
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Re: Do you buy a ball because of a PBA telecast?
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2004, 05:39:35 PM »
TV? you mean you watch bowling on TV? dam get a life!!. j/k who care what they use. But I got all Of Mo's Ball casue the Core Looks really kwel and high tech.
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Re: Do you buy a ball because of a PBA telecast?
« Reply #27 on: November 29, 2004, 03:40:08 PM »
If you like to purchase the products used by the pros after a telecast, I've got a deal for you.  You can purchase my AMF Titan, just like the one thrown by Danny Wiseman during Sunday's telecast, for only $159.99 shipped.

This is just as goofy as a guy watching a NASCAR driver win in a particular brand of automobile, and hurrying to the showroom the next morning to buy the same color and brand of car that crossed the finish line!
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