From the ball company view, it is just units. It doesn't matter to them which ball they sell. As long as they are selling balls. Total numbers.
My position for a long time has been to slow down the releases. Give pro shops a chance to get to know the ball and what it can/can't do for their customers. If the ball is good, the pro shop can sell it and make their customers happy.
With the extra time between releases, make sure the new ball is actually something new. Make it do something different than the previous ball. All the new balls are the same core with a supposedly new formula of PowerKoil, Monsoon, Typhoon, M80+, Super Soaker, blah, blah, blah.....
How much is it really different than the previous balls?

The very large majority of the purchasing public wouldn't know the difference even if I told them. Their skill level is not high enough to take advantage of ActivatorPlus.......
(I'm not picking on any one company, the names above are the first ones that came to mind, the Dr. Pepper hasn't take effect yet)
Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Storm VIP Shop Member
Brunswick Pro Source Member
Drilling and Tech Advice
Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!
Onward through the Storm!!!!