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Author Topic: Do You Ever Just Instantly Know?  (Read 2636 times)

Good Times Good Times

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Do You Ever Just Instantly Know?
« on: February 23, 2017, 09:54:52 AM »
Well, after a little more run last night with the Code Black I bought I do not believe this is going to be a ball for me.  It does seem like the ball is exceptionally squirty in oil and a bit too much when there is friction.  It's not too versatile for me.  I felt like I could tell the overall motion was not for me instantly.  I have tried it on different conditions but that shape is just not what I was looking for even on conditions more suitable for it...I didn't get the look this ball is essentially slated for.  It's OK, it happens.

It's definitely not matched up in the spot I was hoping for in my arsenal, which is the biggest issue.   

It sucks....BUT I have a buyer and the loss I will take on it is actually quite minimal! 

So, I'm going to get a DareDevil....which is the other option I was looking at (and probably should have went with first).  I did try the CB b/c when you get that asymmetrical match-up it is amazing......but I'm going to go back to the symmetrical look.

So my question is:  Have any of you purchased a new ball and just knew instantly that it wasn't to be?
« Last Edit: February 23, 2017, 09:57:44 AM by Good Times Good Times »



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Re: Do You Ever Just Instantly Know?
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2017, 01:41:12 PM »
Yep, the Haywire. Tried surfaces changes and different houses and eventually sold it.
Current Rotation:
Code X
Code Black
Axiom Pearl
Phaze III
IQ Tour


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Re: Do You Ever Just Instantly Know?
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2017, 01:54:52 PM »
Same experiences with a uproar, and a few other pieces (
Nine recently thank goodness) and after a while you get the feeling of just shooting it out of a cannon, or using it as a boat anchor/ spare ball,  happens to us all at some point.  :-\

Jesse James

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Re: Do You Ever Just Instantly Know?
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2017, 02:13:43 PM »
* Please note, that I am aware that I'm a weird bowler than most! That being said, I hated:

The XXX Extreme, the Invasion, the One, all Spider balls, the gold IQ pearl, the Cyclone, the Hyper-Cell Skid, and most recently the Scandal!  :o

Go figure!  ::)
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


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Re: Do You Ever Just Instantly Know?
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2017, 02:46:58 PM »

So my question is:  Have any of you purchased a new ball and just knew instantly that it wasn't to be?

Oh yeah.

For me, it's been something that I know will be perfect, something I can make work, or was destined to be traded in or a ladybug in the front yard/garden.

The Ebonite Mission X. I had success with the original Mission and the Mission Domination (the latter being a 300 ball), so I wanted to retire the Domination and replace it with this.

Big mistake. It just wouldn't work how I had planned and had it laid out at all. Pulled it and put the Domination back in the bag (which was another mistake, as the pits ate up the ball to where it had to be replaced with a 250K. :( )

It was at this point that Ebonite (not EBI) started its downhill slide.

Traded the Mission X in for a Pursuit-S.

The Ebonite Pursuit series. I started with Pursuit-S, when they put out both a symmetric and asymmetric version. Both were just no.. absolutely no. No matter what I did, to it (surface adjustments, plug/redrill), they just wouldn't work. Put the 250K back in the bag, bode time, and traded the Pursuit-S in for the Challenge.

The Ebonite Challenge. I got this ball to work, and fared well with it, but again, the cover started to die quickly on it, and no matter how I revived it, it never performed the same after the first 10 - 15 games OOB.

At that point I switched completely over to Hammer.

Hammer Black Widow Legend. Loved the ball. Loved how the gas mask core creates that killer shape. Unfortunately after a good 15 games I could get a plastic White Dot or Maxim to hook more than this guy.. which was sad, because this was my introduction into the BW series. Luckily, the Red Legend kept the faith.

But yeah.. 2 Ebonite balls after they peaked with their success with the Mission and Mission Domination.. They just weren't it. Looking back, it made sense as to why TJ kept going back to his Gamebreaker.



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Re: Do You Ever Just Instantly Know?
« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2017, 07:30:45 PM »
the Columbia Rock, Storm Trauma Response, Hammer Purple Vibe, Track 300t and Blue/Silver Power Grove were all balls that after a game I knew I didn't like.

The Trauma response was put into the bag for a tournament once after I decided to hate the ball and gave the look I need to throw well enough for a top 5 finish in singles and help my team to 2nd place. 

The ball rolled like crap most of the time for me, but on the right conditions it was the only ball that would work.


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Re: Do You Ever Just Instantly Know?
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2017, 07:09:02 AM »
Yep, the Haywire. Tried surfaces changes and different houses and eventually sold it.
+1 on the Haywire.  Never felt like the core and cover combination matched up to my game.