If I'm going to pay $15-20/week to bowl, in addition to all the time and money spent on practice and equipment, why in the
hell would I not put my best effort into every shot?
I can only recall one time where I really had an "I-don't-care" attitude. On my Monday league last year we were put on a pair of lanes where the lane machine had had 'issues'. One lane was flooded with no back end. The other was fairly normal. We shot a game and 2 grames before the lane broke down and we had to move. The pair we were moved to was a buffer pair that had not been conditioned since that morning. (The break down pair had already been taken by another 2 teams whose lanes had broken down before ours.) We're talking no shot at all. The high series on that night four our 10 bowlers was in the neighborhood of 520's. I personally shot a 460. Suffice it to say that near the end of game 3, I was just slinging shots with a plastic ball. But I was still looking for a shot to the hole.
There's also the night that I had a stomach flu. I put everything I had into every shot that night. The best I could muster was a 590, but that was not due to a lack of effort. Immediately after the 10th frame of gme 3, I changed shoes and reported to the men's room where I vacated my bowels.
Not bowling your best under most circumstances is a reprehensible act by low-class bowlers.
Idiots all around me. Idiot, thy name is 'democrat'.My Blog: