Great reads...
Going over the original post, I easily felt like this kid was me 3 weeks ago during big league (5man 52 team) sweepers in Las Vegas.
South Point Casino, fresh oil. I couldn't have asked for a better shot. Absolutely lined up to the 1-3 pocket all series long. By far the most competitive league I am in, knowing that "it's 279 per game or higher" to feel secure.
I started off each game with a 4 bagger then went dutch as I lost carry on 1 of 2 lanes. Watching many close by string 7-8, I became discouraged and started missing single pin spares. Although, a bad practice to do so, I told myself that even had I picked up those spares I missed and stayed clean, I'd still not have been able to cash via round robin... and as I am typing this I've realized how I've succumbed to money and failed to up-keep my game smdh #newlessonlearned