I thought courtesy/bowling etiquette almost requires that when both are ready at the same time, the one on the right goes first?
They use to have it in the ABC book were they had the part about Bowling Etiquette.
Heres some different versions of it.
Observe one lane courtesy. The bowler on the
right should bowl if both reach the approach at
the same time. Step to the back of the approach
while you wait and indicate to the adjacent
bowler that you are going to bowl after s/he
The number one courtesy is to yield the "right of way" to bowlers on adjacent lanes when both bowlers are ready to bowl at the same time. The bowler to the right has the right away and should bowl first. Make sure to stay off the approach until the bowler has completed their shot.
# Bowlers on the right hand lane has the right of way to bowl first
He/she can waive the right of way to the person bowling on the left most lane if they so choose.
# Never pick up your ball from the return rack while another bowler is preparing to bowl and is in his/her starting position
Refrain from creating noises or movements that may be spotted out of the corner of their eye. For cases where another bowler constantly causes distractions while you are preparing to bowl, let them have the right of way. This way you can stay in control of your game and remain relaxed to take your shot.
# Yield to the bowler on your immediate left or right if they are ready to bowl (one lane courtesy): don't even go near the ball return if the person on either side of you is bowling or getting ready to bowl. Stay behind the scoring console until the coast is clear. Some leagues and tournaments requier two lane courtesy!
# Don't stand next to the ball return while waiting for your second ball: this could distract a bowler setting up next to you.
Heres one I hadn't heard before-
# A bowler shooting a spare has the right of way over a bowler with a full rack: spare shooters need extra time to concentrate.