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Author Topic: Do you really know how to keep score?  (Read 3450 times)


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Do you really know how to keep score?
« on: September 01, 2009, 03:02:20 AM »
I thought  I knew how to keep score and how many frames were in bowling but,now I'm really messed up.
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Bowling, known as "ten pins" throughout most of the world, is a game played by rolling a heavy ball down a long narrow track and attempting to knock down ten pins arranged in the form of a triangle with its vertex oriented towards the bowler. The arrangement of the 10 bowling pins is that of a tetractys and is also triangular number T_4.

Up to two balls (or "bowls") are allowed per "frame," and a game consists of ten frames (with a special rule being used for the number of balls awarded in the last frame). If all pins are knocked down on the first ball, the result is called a "strike," no second ball is awarded for that frame (except in the case of a strike being obtained in the tenth and last frame, in which case two extra balls are awarded), and the number of points tallied is 10 plus the number of pins knocked down on the next two balls. If some or none of the pins are knocked down on the first bowl, then a second ball is awarded. If all the remaining pins are knocked down on the second ball, the result is called a "spare," and the number of points tallied is 10 plus the number of pins knocked down on the bowl of the next ball. If all the pins are not knocked down after bowling two balls in a frame, then the score for that frame is tallied as the total number of pins knocked down.

Ten frames are bowled, unless the last frame contains a strike or spare, in which case an additional bowl is awarded.

The maximum number of points possible, corresponding to 12 strikes, is 300.

The total number of possible bowling games is quite large; there are eleven possibilities for the first ball thrown in the first frame (gutter, 1, 2, ..., 9, strike), and the same possibilities occur for each of the other nine frames. So without considering the second ball in each frame, at a minimum, there are 11^(10) approx 2.6×10^(10) (Balmoral Software). In fact, the true number of games is much larger due to the effect of the second ball in each frame. The total number of possible games is
66^9×241=5726805883325784576 approx 5.7×10^(18)    

(Cooper and Kennedy 1990).

Define the sets
A={(x,y):0<=x+y<=9} B={(x,y,0)x,y) in A} union {(x,10-x,z):0<=x<=9,0<=z<=10} union {(x,y,z):0<=y<=9,0<=y+z<=10} union {(10,10,z):0<=z<=10}    

and the matrices
T   =   [sum_((x,y) in A)t^(x+y) 10t^(10) t^(10) 0; sum_((x,y) in A)t^(2x+y) t^(x+10) t^(20) 0; sum_((x,y) in A)t^(2x+2y) 10t^(20) 0 t^(20); sum_((x,y) in A)t^(3x+2y) t^(x+20) 0 t^(30)]   
C   =   [sum_((x,y,z) in B)t^(x+y+z); sum_((x,y,z) in B)t^(2x+2y+z); sum_((x,y,z) in B)t^(2x+2y+z); sum_((x,y,z) in B)t^(3x+2y+z)]   
R   =   [1 0 0 0],   

then a generating function for the number of games s_n corresponding to score n is given by

where P(t) is the entry in the 1×1 matrix

(Cooper and Kennedy 1990).

The number of possible games s_n with scores n=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, are: 1, 20, 210, 1540, 8855, 42504, ... (Sloane's A060853; Cooper and Kennedy 1990). As can be seen from the figure above, the distribution of number of possible games as a function of n is not precisely symmetric about its maximum. A best-fit Gaussian is given by

where a=1.71×10^(17), mu=78.5, and sigma^2=350 (dotted blue curve above).

The mean score is given by
s^_   =   (125572265)/(1574694)   
   approx    79.7439   

(Cooper and Kennedy 1990). The mode for the score n=77, namely s_(77)=172542309343732000. For n=288, 289, ..., 300, the totals are 12, 11, 11, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.

Scores that have the same number of possible ways to be bowled are summarized in the following table.
s_n   n
1   0, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300
11   289, 290
12   287, 288
13   285, 286
14   283, 284
15   281, 282

SEE ALSO: Tetractys, Triangular Number


Balmoral Software. "All about Bowling Scores."

Cooper, C. and Kennedy, R. E. "A Generating Function for the Distribution of the Scores of All Possible Bowling Games." Math. Mag. 63, 239-243, 1990.

Cooper, C. N. and Kennedy, R. E. "A Generating Function for the Distribution of the Scores of All Possible Bowling Games." In The Lighter Side of Mathematics (Ed. R. K. Guy and R. E. Woodrow). Washington, DC: Math. Assoc. Amer., 1994a.

Cooper, C. N. and Kennedy, R. E. "Is the Mean Bowling Score Awful?" In The Lighter Side of Mathematics (Ed. R. K. Guy and R. E. Woodrow). Washington, DC: Math. Assoc. Amer., 1994b.

Sloane, N. J. A. Sequence A060853 in "The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences."


Weisstein, Eric W. "Bowling." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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Re: Do you really know how to keep score?
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2009, 03:12:42 PM »

Take something that is easy to doo and do that with it...

Yes i said keeping score is easy , i've been able to do it since i was in 4th grade..

Edited on 9/1/2009 3:15 PM


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Re: Do you really know how to keep score?
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2009, 03:18:47 PM »
That doesn't relate to keeping score, it relates to how many different scores in different ways are possible.  

If you're trying to figure out how many different scores are possible, I believe it's 301.  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc...all the way up to three hundred. (Unless there is a score that is impossible to there?)
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Re: Do you really know how to keep score?
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2009, 03:49:14 PM »
that's insane. Thanks for sharing that.

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Re: Do you really know how to keep score?
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2009, 03:51:13 PM »
I thought there was a score that was impossible to achieve. Don't quote me on it but I thought either 291 or 292 was not possible.


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Re: Do you really know how to keep score?
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2009, 04:22:55 PM »
I thought there was a score that was impossible to achieve. Don't quote me on it but I thought either 291 or 292 was not possible.

There may be some impossible scores, but those two are possible and have been accomplished.

First eleven, then just one pin for the 291 and first eleven, then two pins for the 292.

Saw a bowler the other day pick off the 6-9 from a full rack, so if he had done that on his 12th ball after the first eleven, that would have been a 292.  


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Re: Do you really know how to keep score?
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2009, 04:23:17 PM »
I thought there was a score that was impossible to achieve. Don't quote me on it but I thought either 291 or 292 was not possible.

Front 11 then either a 1 or 2 count on the last ball.  Easy?  No, but totally possible
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Re: Do you really know how to keep score?
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2009, 06:29:05 PM »
People keep talking about picking off the 6/9 out of a rack to enable a 292 after throwing 11 strikes in a row. I am calling BS, an outright lie.

I have been bowling for 50 years now. I have yet to see someone pick out the 6/9 ever. While it is more possible with today's balls, the way they make drastic and dramatic turns, I have yet to see one or even hear of one, except here on

You throw a ball at the 6/10 and you ALWAYS pick off the 9 pin, in addition. You throw at the 4/7 and you ALWAYS pick off the 8 pin, in addition.

When I see it on or another video or in person, I will take it back. Until then, I say BS!
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Re: Do you really know how to keep score?
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2009, 06:39:32 PM »
Call it BS is you want, but I've taken the 6-9 out of the rack a number of times. I also saw, during practice for a SR Regional in PA, a guy take the 6-9 out of the rack, and then put the next shot in the same exact place - bewteen the 3-10.

I'd like to agree with you, but I've done it and seen it done more than once in the same 50yrs of bowling.


Edited on 9/1/2009 6:41 PM


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Re: Do you really know how to keep score?
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2009, 07:01:14 PM »
Yea i've also picked the 6-9 out of a full rack a few times and also seen it happen a number of times. Definitely NOT BS.

Edited on 9/1/2009 7:01 PM

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Re: Do you really know how to keep score?
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2009, 07:16:51 PM »
I think it's a 282 thats not possible.


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Re: Do you really know how to keep score?
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2009, 07:28:43 PM »
I think it's a 282 thats not possible.

Spare, 10 in a row, 2 count

Again, likely?  Absolutely not.  Possible?  Yes
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Re: Do you really know how to keep score?
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2009, 08:02:32 PM »
On a (couple 2 - 4 times) spare shot for the 3,9,10 I put the ball between them all and got (0)..   the ball just fit nicely betwwen the 3 10 and then squeeze thru the 9 10.

I i could see the 6 - 9 being taken out of a full rack.  For that matter if someone was wanting it bad enough hook the whole lane and slice the 7 - 8 (right) or 10 - 9 (left)  those would be somethin to see


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Re: Do you really know how to keep score?
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2009, 10:24:30 PM »
I unfortunately have picked the 6 pin out from between the 3 and 10 at least a dozen times.  Twice I've taken out the 6-9 w/out touching the 3 or 10.  Totally possible, especially when I really needed the spare.
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Re: Do you really know how to keep score?
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2009, 10:46:31 PM »
On a (couple 2 - 4 times) spare shot for the 3,9,10 I put the ball between them all and got (0)..   the ball just fit nicely betwwen the 3 10 and then squeeze thru the 9 10.

You can't squeeze the ball through the 9-10 or between any two side-by-side pins.  How do you think you're supposed to pick up the 9-10, the 4-5, or the 5-6?  Perhaps the 9-pin was moved when the first ball was thrown.

I've thrown it between the 3 and the 10, picking off the 6.  I've left the 1-6, picking off the 3-pin, then put the ball back through that hole.  But you can't leave the 9-pin putting the ball through the 3-10.