I usually have a word or two with myself before I even pick up my ball.
Then I go over what I want the ball to do, like go over my mark etc. Its very fast so no waiting to prolong the time I hold the ball.
HOWEVER and this is what is really killing my game at the moment.
Im standing over a spare doesnt matter what it is it can be a 10 pin or 5 pin or even 7 pin and something like "youre goin to miss this arnt you " just pops in my head. Now no matter what I do, I almost always miss it.
I can put the ball down, I can just go for it, but I still miss it.
I can be bowling great shooting 120 in the 5th and it still happens.
It can also happen on a strike only not so often.
Man my game is fantastic at the moment. My coach has got bowling so well. Solid at the line coming through the ball great etc but this is totally ruining all of that good work.
They say its a 90% mental game, well I can definatly agree with that.
This game drives you NUTS.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK
Did someone say tough luck